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Phone calls needed for senate bill 1441

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I am posting this email for Pete Cimellaro.



To All: It is time to contact your Legislators and ask all of them to support SB1441 (Habitat Enhancement and Restoration Bill).


Please, immediately forward this message on to as many sportsmen as possible.


We are in the last few weeks of the Legislative session. Everyone is scrambling to keep their requests in the budget. Many requests have already been cut and are off the table. SB 1441 is still hanging in there. However, without a constant and firm reminder from all Arizona sportsmen, we will not get our $5 Million for habitat work in 2006.


The Game & Fish Commission has voted unanimously to support SB1441. The Department and Commission have designated five of the seventeen original projects to receive this money.


? Anderson Mesa Grassland Restoration

? Kaibab Winter Range Habitat Improvements

? Yuma Region Water Redevelopments

? Wildlife Water Redevelopments, North of Colorado River

? Pinetop Region Deer Habitat Restoration (e.g. Chitty Creek, Pigeon, and Sheep Wash)


I am asking all of you to immediately call you legislators and request the $5 Million for habitat projects, in SB1441, be included in the budget.


We need to get this message to all of the 90 House and Senate members. Please take the time to call your House Members and Senator immediately.


It is particularly important to let the Legislative leaders know of your request!


Senate President, Ken Bennett 602-926-5584

Speaker of the House, Jim Weiers 602-926-4173

House Appropriations Chairman, Russell Pearce 602-926-5760

Senate Appropriations Chairman, Bob Burns 602-926-5993


If you don't want to call them you can send an email; but at this time a phone call will be much more effective.


If we respond with a strong voice, we can get this critical wildlife habitat improvement money. If you rely on the other guy to make the calls and send the messages, we will all lose. Please take a few minutes to make a difference for wildlife and sportsmen.


Thank you,


Pete Cimellaro


ATTACHED, are a letter of support from the Game & Fish Commission and all contact information for the Legislators.

Don't hesitate, call today!!!!








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More info on the bill.


To All: A Heads Up, just in case!


In making your phone calls to the Legislators, you may be told SB 1441 is a Medical related bill not a Wildlife Projects bill.


The rest of the story: SB 1441 started out as a medical related piece of legislation in the Senate. When it came over to the Appropriations Committee in the House it was used as a strike everything amendment (changed the content of the bill) by Representative Lucy Mason. The (now) Wildlife bill passed out to the Appropriations Committee on an 11-2 vote and headed for the Rules Committee. The Rules Committee was suspended before the bill could be heard and it never had it's title changed.


If your real good in traveling through the Legislature's website you can find out all of this information and see the changed title. I am not that good, but do understand what happened. Rest assured, SB1441 is a Wildlife Habitat and Enhancement Bill that provides $5 Million for projects. If anyone raises this issue you will at least be able to discuss what happened.


More importantly, be sure you ask them to include the $5 Million in the budget for Wildlife!!!!!!!!



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I sent mine, thanks Amanda.

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I sent it to every member of the house and senate.

I got one automated response and its not in my district, my e-mail inbox could be in for it if they all do that.

I wonder if I will get the personal response, I never have before. Maybe we should all take them up on the tour offer.


I appreciate your taking the time to contact me. It is important to hear from those whom I represent. Your input, comments and suggestions are valuable and helpful to me in my work for our district as well our state.


After I review your correspondence, I will respond, personally, or forward your correspondence to the appropriate person or agency to address your issue. If you have additional questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me again.


If you are a constituent, please respond with your address in the "Subject Line". I hope you will consider taking a tour of the Capitol.

The best days are Monday through Thursday. Call my office to set up a time convenient for you!


Colette G. Rosati


For Those Who Fought For It, Freedom Has A Taste The Protected Will Never Know.........

Constituents can follow the progress of any bill by going to the Legislature's website http://www.azleg.state.az.us <http://www.azleg.state.az.us/> At the top left hand corner is a search engine that checks the status of any bill.


Colette Rosati

State Representative

Arizona District 8

Scottsdale, Fountain Hills and Rio Verde

602 - 750 - 3233 cell

602 - 926 - 5169 Capitol - Call for your group to receive a free and interesting tour!

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As soon as I get out of work today at noon!






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4 calls this AM thanks for the heads up. One did say it was a medical bill... thanks for the heads up again

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I sent mine to all District 5 reps regardless of polictical orientation! Thanks for the heads up!!


Here are you district 5 reps:


'jflake@azleg.gov'; 'jbrown@azleg.gov'; 'bkonopnicki@azleg.gov'

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