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azgfd commission news

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This is the info about Ms. Martin from the azgfd website.



Thanks Keven I remember her mentioning the waterfowl and ducks and just couldn't remember what else was said.

As for the OHV use, that is something I don't think the azgfd needs to worry about, they already talked about being shorthanded and now they have to patrol the forest roads also. I might be wrong, but if you were on a quad in a wilderness area or an area closed to motorized traffic couldn't they already write you a ticket. The way they made it sound they want to take total control of the way OHV,s can be used, and they mentioned the entire state, they even mentioned the dunes near Yuma ( I wonder if they know most of the riding down there takes place in CA ). I hope they can find the alternate funding for that or I can see another license and tag increase.

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"Despite strong support from the National Rifle Association, four past commissioners, hunters, anglers and conservationists, the Arizona Senate took no formal action on her nomination during the 2006 Legislative session."




I have no idea why the Department would make this statement on their web page. If they were trying to do some political PR, they would have just been better leaving that one out. Any of you know any of these hunters, anglers and conservationists?

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"Despite strong support from the National Rifle Association, four past commissioners, hunters, anglers and conservationists, the Arizona Senate took no formal action on her nomination during the 2006 Legislative session."




I have no idea why the Department would make this statement on their web page. If they were trying to do some political PR, they would have just been better leaving that one out. Any of you know any of these hunters, anglers and conservationists?



That is the link to the thread on her earlier this year, it doesn't look like there was much in state support from hunters and hunting groups.


I hope she proves us all wrong and does a great job for us and for our state.

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I wonder if anyone from these groups has talked to her in depth on her feelings about hunting and fishing, I wonder if she has been closed mouth about her feelings, or just not willing to cooperate with Arizona's hunting groups. I understand that these groups had several more qualified candidates and were 100% behind them, but we are stuck with Ms. Martin for a year and we might want to figure out a way to get her on our side until then. Isn't the old saying keep your friends close and your enemies closer, well at this time we have no idea where she stands so we should keep track of her and try to at least let her know how we feel and see what she does.

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Many of you know who I am and all I would like to say is that many of the groups interviewed Ms Martin and even printed the results of our interviews in our respective newsletters. We asked her the questions you are asking and that is why we chose to support other candidates instead of Ms Martin. As to the issue of Pete's comments they were taken out of context. Many of us that interviewed Ms Martin asked her why she chose to stay at home and quit the G&F and her answer was she wanted to have more time to raise her son. That is where Pete's comment came from, her own admission that she felt she needed time with her family. The comment Pete made was a note that being on the commission was a very time consuming job.


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Mr. Gaines,


You ask good questions.


I am thinking that for her to ride the ridge that has been placed before her...whether she just started out wanting to promote her own carrier....I guess she will have that chance.


I would sure like to go fishing with her and Don sometime.


At least if Don never was special enough to be our Commissioner, he at least has his last name pasted on all of our hopes.


I kinda had hopes that Don would throw his hat in the ring next year since all them folks in Kingman are on the west side.


One thing I picked up from Don last year is that he was reaching out to this young lady and respecting the position she may be in.


Bottom line is we need to respect this young lady and see what she is up to. I believe she may be a good thing.


Time will tell.

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Most of the groups have reached out to Ms. Martin to congratulate her and vowed to work with her on wildlife issues in our state, as we do with all the Commissioners whether we agree with them or not. To get things done in this state for wildlife we must be able to communicate and work hand in hand with both the commission and the department.


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How long before they have the minutes for the last couple of meetings up on the azgfd website, I kind of want to know what I missed.

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It takes around 6 months. Some never get posted and you have to request them.


At certain times of the year, it is a little faster.


Maybe someone could make a motion at one of the meetings to have the whole Commission meeting for sale within 30 days on DVD.


Heck, I think the Department could make some money just selling videos of each meeting. That way folks could sure learn the process and keep up if they are not able to attend or stay for the whole meeting. How many of us folks that work can attend Friday meetings? If the video was $20.00, how could I drive to Phoenix and back for $20.00?


Think about it.


Them ADLA and Sierra folks have filmed a fare amount. They all know who we are. Do you know them?


Please state your name and speak into the microphone.


How would each Commissioner conduct themselves knowing this was sent around the world on DVD?


There may be a lot more accountability present.


Think about it.


Maybe they could just sell it in parts by agenda items???


Think about it.

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Heck, adding a camera and offering a DVD would never be approved by the commission.

That would just open them up to something none of them want, Accountability!


The longer thay can delay posting notes on meeting minutes the more people will forget.

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I have talked with her some and am happy to say I have a pretty good feeling about her. I thought a little more experience might have helped, but I don't think we'll have many problems with her ideologically.


One of the things I liked is her independence. She has acquired a set of beliefs about wildlife management and the principles related thereto, and I don't think she'll budge easily from those principles. I'd rather have someone like that than a commissioner who is chiefly concerned with pleasing certain factions. At least her opinions can be understood, and I know she can be reasoned with.


I've heard a lot of hunters say they want another hunter for a commissioner. That sounds like a good idea until you get a commissioner who doesn't hunt the same way you do. If you're a bowhunter, a commissioner who only hunts with a rifle and listens to friends who think bowhunters get too many tags might not make you very happy.


The unfortunate thing about the young mother remark is the way Sierra Club and others try to make it a sexism thing. I told her pretty much the same, that I wasn't sure it was the best way for someone her age to spend time since it doesn't pay anything and the current commissioners say they don't get all their expenses reimbursed. I don't see how anyone who isn't retired or self-employed can afford to be on the commission because it's a major time and travel commitment. That goes for 30-year-old men as well as 30-year-old women.

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two things that really bother me. she doesn't hunt and wants folks to know it, and she's the 2nd nominee in a row that is an ex game warden. i think the other dude was ex azgfd, too. sounds like jammit is sorta settin' up a real azgfd friendly commission. one thing we don't need right now. need some folks who will put their foot down and keep it down. not someone with ties and friendships with the azgfd. as far as i'm concerned, noone that jammit nominates is good for us. it's going to be a calculated politicaly motivated move. she hates the commission. look a the things she said and did when they were gonna get rid on some lions by tucson. she wants easily manipulated folks. and she's gettin' em. Lark.

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