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Huntunits.com gps cords for waterholes

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I just got a Oregon 550; does anyone know how to add these cords in bulk to a oregon 550. I input the cords into google earth and I get china.. I'm lost ;/


here's an example of a couple


Log Latitude Longitude Elevation Tank Name
No. (N) (W) (Feet)
027, 34,12.717, 112,42.497, 4418, ANTELOPE SPRING
017, 34,11.104, 112,49.644, 3088, ARROWHEAD WELL

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Not sure about adding in bulk, but there should be an option to change the position format in your gps settings. Those cords above look like they are in minuets, minuets format. Make sure gps is set to the same format.

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shooter- to clarify your dilema



forget he first #027 - means nothing for coords - the first 34* 11.104n 112* 49.644w a spot off 89road -at the datecreek rd exit


the second 34* 12.717n 112*42.497 is east of yarnell- in the mountains- on a road and its a cluster of trees- most likly a spring



these cords are set at degrees and decimal point setting - very common on gps but they can be changed easily


if on google earth - go to tools- select options under long/latitude - you can change the settings


then direct your arrow to the spot by using the coords at the bottom of screen


if you need fuhter info let me know !


do any of hunt coords say piggy or deer spots - please feel free to share this info in a PM- lol thanks

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Well I figured out how to put the cords into google earth, have to put a dash infront of the 112 or it still goes somewhere overseas.. Now I just need to get this list of cords to my gps.. I have about 60 locations; and would not like to sit here and input each one.. I used to email a guy with the cords I have and would in return kickback a kml file to me, but he might not check his email anymore; because I haven't gotten a response yet.. So I'm trying to go this route. thanks


Well I pasted all the cords into a text file and did alot of find and replace; used gps visualizer to convert the csv file I made to a kml file for google earth and also outputted a file for my garmin. I'm not at home so I don't know if the gpx file will work but I'll let you know if you are interested.


Google file works great on the pc

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