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Non-Typical Solutions

Coyote vs. Sprawl

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I watched this report and wondered what I would do in this situation......seems like people become so helpless and pitiful when they step out their front door and are confronted with creatures whose habitat they moved into.
Coyotes have to be one of the most proficient adapters that there is and little house dogs and cats are easy prey.
I love it how they talked about how the coyotes attacked and ate the dog alive and then were requesting humane removal and proper placement of the coyotes out into the wild.
Maybe coyote behavior training would be a humane approach to the problem.


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"Howling has increased at night, Stratton said, a sign that breeding season is coming. The neighbors hope their trapper is successful before the coyotes begin to multiply."


Maybe he can only trap the females. Yeah, that's the ticket.

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