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G&F wolf release news

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Honestly we the people have the power and control of what we want in our state but you Cant be afraid of consequences if you really want to get something done. That is what the federal govt loves to push down our throat because they know people will comply rather than go to jail for a bit or be fined. IMO it is our duty to take things into our own hands when the govt starts pulling this BS


There is zero need for wolves in any state in the west. We are the top predator and keep plenty of animals in check without the help of half breed wannabe wolves.

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The Feds want to control the wolf situation. We, as constituents, don't want the Feds to control this in Arizona or New Mexico. The main objective here is to offer a viable alternative plan that Arizona can implement and maintain. Therefore gaining a little control over the wolf program. If the proposed outline is not approved, the Feds keep control and shove their own wolf plan down our throats. With more wolves than we can sustain and control.

I hope my paragraph makes sense.

sounds to me like if they add even one more wolf they have control of the wolf situation, much less 300 more.

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