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ATTENTION Parents in Gilbert!!!

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I can't seem to get the link to paste on this page, but if you read AZCentral today you will see that the Town of Gilbert is proposing to ask Game and Fish to change Water Ranch Lake to artificial flies and lures only with a single barbless hook. Certain special interests are behind this move because they claim that discarded fishing line and fishing tackle on the shore and under the surface of the water are killing turtles and shorebirds.


The Regional office was consulted about the proposal and they informed the Gilbert Parks Department that any such change would mean REMOVAL of the lake from the community fishing program and an END to Department-funded fish stocking. Even with that information, the Parks and Rec department is moving forward with the proposal and it will be before the Town Council next Thursday.


For reasons I would rather discuss in private, I cannot spearhead public opposition against this proposal. I would, however, like to work behind the scenes to help a group of similarly-concerned parents to do so. A few important points that need to be heard in public:


1 - Water Ranch is the only community fishing water in north Gilbert.

2 - Water Ranch is the only nearby community fishing water that has a natural shoreline (we go to other parks and my daughter asks why we are fishing in a swimming pool with concrete edges).

3- Water Ranch allows kids to fish in a semi-natural setting. There are no jungle gyms or swing sets to distract them. They can focus on learning to fish and acquiring patience.

4- There are already littering laws that cover the discarding of used line and tackle. Those laws are not being enforced. Who will enforce the artificial rule? No one. The litter will still be there, and there will be less of it only because there will be very few fish in the lake.

5- It is very hard to teach very young kids to fish using artificial flies and lures. My three year old isn't going to enjoy watching me waive a fly-rod around in the hopes that I can find a catfish aggressive enough to hit a streamer.

6- If Gilbert wants to keep the rural community feel, then we need opportunities like those available at Water Ranch for our kids.


Anyway, I could keep going on and on with a list. Please send me a PM if you're interested in speaking out. The Town Council meeting is NEXT THURSDAY.

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It's already against the law to disgard fishing line in the water and on the shore.


Kalifornia libtards in all their self anointed glory.

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It's already against the law to disgard fishing line in the water and on the shore.


Kalifornia libtards in all their self anointed glory.


The article mentions the person who is the driving force behind the change. He is in the leadership of the local branch of a national environmental group and also happens to be a former town councilman. He has the ears of a lot of people.


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Mayors email





Emails to the mayor and councilmembers are useful, but the biggest impact will come from having bodies in the room wanting to speak on the issue.


Also, here's a tip: the mayor gets a lot of email....the councilmembers don't get quite as many but their votes count just as much as the mayor's.

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I've fished that lake since it was built. I've taught all my kids how to fish there. These people make me sick. Just because they don't like something then we all have to suffer. It will never stop here in the valley. No matter how hard we fight and how loud we scream. Too many california transplants ruining this place. I got two years left in this california part two dumpster the valley has become then i'm off to the mountains and I'm never coming back here. I'm originally from northern cali and its a shame to see whats happened there, and whats coming here.

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Don't live in Gilbert and making the Thursday meeting may be a problem but I would be there. Our kids deserve better.

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It's already against the law to disgard fishing line in the water and on the shore.


Kalifornia libtards in all their self anointed glory.


The article mentions the person who is the driving force behind the change. He is in the leadership of the local branch of a national environmental group and also happens to be a former town councilman. He has the ears of a lot of people.




Education not regulation is the answer. Possibly we can get some volunteers to spend some time there picking up the stray line and helping kids catch fish. One or two people a few hours a day or whenever they can be the could act as a sort of Steward and educating kids about the perils of tossing line and other stuff in the water would be a good thing.

Adults and other kids know tossing their line in the water has it's consequences and nothing speaks louder than peer pressure or having a kid call you out.

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The mayor told me if they close the library lake to fishing they will

Open two new new lakes to the game and fish urban fishing program in Gilbert. Fwiw.

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Really? Did a politician tell you what you want to hear? :-D

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That's true, but the mayor doesn't realize that Game and Fish will expand to those other waters at almost no cost to Gilbert, all the Town has to do is agree to it. Game and Fish wants to expand the urban fishing program in Gilbert to other lakes, but the parks and rec department will only agree to that if the Game and Fish makes Water Ranch artificial flies and lures and catch and release.


There is no reason the program can't expand to more lakes so the kids can have real opportunity at all of them.


Water Ranch is THE best urban water in the southeast valley. The Town is offering up McQueen Park, Discovery Park, and Freestone Park - none of these is suitable substitute for Water Ranch. Water Ranch has a natural shoreline, no playground equipment, and the water is not dyed blue like the other parks. At Freestone, the kids will be distracted by the slides and swings if the fishing is at all slow. The shoreline is concrete curbing, like a swimming pool. Also, the water is the same color blue you see when you add those urinal cakes to your toilet water. Our kids deserve a fishing experience that is as close to natural as we can get it.

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How does going to flies and lures and catch and release keep the fishing line out of the lake?

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How does going to flies and lures and catch and release keep the fishing line out of the lake?


It doesn't. That's the problem. They're using the discarded fishing line and hooks as an excuse to push the agenda of the Desert Flycasters and the Audubon Society, claiming that the birds are hurt.


Here's a few more things to consider:


1) We already have littering regulations that obviously aren't being enforced, who will enforce the artificial rule?


2) If you pass by the lake at night, after it is closed and supposed to be empty, you will see several groups of "fishermen" who stay there late into the night and take home many many fish. No one is enforcing the curfew. Are these guys going to follow the artificial fly and lure regulations? No. They're going to catch and take every fish they can. You can bet that these are also the guys leaving the trash and line behind.


3) Game and Fish will not stock catfish and trout in the lake if this rule changes...and why should they? Gilbert still expects them to stock bass and bluegill twice per year though (which will be promptly removed by the late night bucket brigades). The Department buys trout at roughly $4 per pound for urban stocking. Catfish cost just under $3 per pound. Bass cost $19 per pound and bluegill cost $14 per pound. Which is the better use of money if we are looking for fishing opportunities for kids?


4) The Audubon Society claims that over 100 birds and turtles have been killed by discarded line and tackle over the past six years, but you can't tell me that the birds haven't also benefited by fish stockings. For crying out loud, the cormorants gorge themselves nearly every day on stocked fish.

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