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Once again we are a target of the AZ Government

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Desertbull is right . this is just the start . This is a important issue next it will be $50.00 to ride your mule and $50.00 to drive your 4x4 .

Then where is it going $100.00 whats next no access to the forest ?

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The problem is the same as gun control. The gov wants to control and tax the machine not the people. Everyone at any age should have a license tax and training to operate any type vehicle in public areas. The ATV's don't cause the problem the people do. I have two burnout circles in the road in front of my house. The ATV didn't do it people did it.

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As I understand it, there are two principal reasons for this program: (1)To get identifiable license plates on every vehicle in order to facilitate reporting violations. This makes it easier for authorities to locate and prosecute offenders. (2)To provide funding and legal tools for other agencies to do enforcement. Right now the laws are hard to enforce and off-road violations usually aren't enforced by sheriff's deputies because of there is no ARS governing off-road violations and because deputies have higher priorities. I believe there is an intent to share some of the proceeds with local law enforcement officials. They hope that will increase the enthusiasm of sheriff's departments for participating in OHV enforcement.


But Game & Fish will continue to have major responsibility for OHV enforcement. They don't really want to be in that business, but they're the logical choice because they have jurisdiction on all public lands, already patrol rural areas and because off-road-driving damage usually means wildlife habitat damage. Thus they have an interest.


The forest planning process and travel management plans now being developed for various national forests around Arizona will almost certainly result in a proliferation of numbered road signs, and all motorized travel will have to be on a signed road. Don't know how they're going to handle road signage on BLM or state trust lands where there is no travel management planning underway.


I strongly support this program. And no, I don't own an ATV. But I feel like I'm already paying for ATV use - someone else's.


I'm not accusing all ATV owners of bad behavior because I know the majority behave themselves. But the ATV community needs a wake-up slap. The TV commercials and magazine ads show people crashing through stream beds and racing cross-country through the forest without a care in the world. That's the image the industry is working to sell - that you can drive anywhere and run over anything on an ATV. But that doesn't work, folks, and this is the beginning of the end for that kind of fun. Public lands managers, game & fish biologists and other hunters have been seeing too much damage out there and are determined something will be done about it.


Hopefully moderate measures will work. The idiots will get caught and fined, word will get around that deserts and forests aren't obstacle courses and ATV riders will figure out how to stay out of trouble. If it doesn't work that way, the alternative is road closures that affect everyone, including people like me who drive 4WD trucks.

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I can see the need for a license plate requirement to report violators and I believe the party responsible for enforcement should be getting the money from the existing gas tax. However, laws can be changed and money reallocated from AZ state parks to G&F without making an additional cash cow. It really pisses me off seeing the lawbreakers on atv's tearing it up knowing they are screwing things up for me and my family, but a blanket a**whooping of all the users is not the answer I would choose.

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The goal is to Raise more money, but no department really cares about the law enforcement.

Looks like 90% of the time the only ticketing will be if they find you did not pay to play.


$50. IS just the start....


Initial Sales tax

Registration Fee

Mandatory riders training Fee

Park access Fee

Copper sticker Fee

State land Use Fee

Non Resident riders land use Fee

Land restoration fee (after the other fees don't prevent the damage)


I probably missed a few...


This looks like just another fee on the list.

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