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Again this board has proven to be full of many diverse and equally valuable opinions on a seemingly simple subject. Good stuff for an old dog or new pup!


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how do you know uv blocker works? i mean other than the commercials? wear dull colors and stay in the shade. blaze orange is gonna shine no matter what you do to it. nothing makes you invisible. and if a deer catches you moving, it doesn't matter what you're wearing. camo only works when you're still. my favorite color is black. if you're still, you look like a shadow. used to crack me up during the fall archery deer season up north. be driving down the road and there'd be a pickup in the road with both doors open and a couple idiots walking like elmer fudd toward a little buck that was staring at em. jokers actually believed because they had on camo, that the deer couldn't see em. i saw that so many times that i almost lost faith in bowhunters. the trick is to see the deer first and keep the wind in your face. ever hear of cal koziah? the best bowhunter nobody ever knew of. he wore red and black plaid, exclusively. these huntin' shows that have the guys all decked out in camo and a orange vest and hat crack me up too. guess they have to satisfy the sponsors. or the guys all camo'd up in the air conditioned stands. i really like to go to booga red's during elk season and check out the latest in camo fashion on all the dudes and their guides. guys come in there lookin' like a bush, leaves and stuff hangin' all over the place. better than cartoons on saturday morning.

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I like what AZKendog and Ernesto say about being seen by their own party. I hunt carp with a guy in New Mexico that makes me carry an orange vest and a signal mirror for the express reason of being seen by each other while signaling and scamming on deer. I never even thought of it before, but man is it a great thing to do. Last year while we were working different tree islands in the same area, I heard my buddy shoot about 3/4 of a mile away. I broke out of my tree island, looking across a giant sage flat and was immediately hit in the face with the sun being reflected off the mirror of the shooter. No guessing; I knew exactly where to go - without the use of a radio.

Oh yeah. safety is a good reason to wear orange too.


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After being shot several times on dove openers by clowns I now try to wear orange when dove hunting. I have even been peppered with orange on, I wish folks would lay off the low flying birds. I never gave any thought to it coues hunting until packing out bucks. I always try to put a bright colored t-shirt on when packing out deer. Honestly I don't think it could hurt, deer generally bust me in places where orange wouldn't hurt me i.e. out in the open or with the wind wrong or on the skyline.


Bret M.

Edited by bullwidgeon

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Bird hunting is a problem for lots of us! I have been peppered more than once and I generally yell something rather nasty back when it happens.


Deer hunting and camo jsut seem to go hand in hand. Using UV killer may be in the mind, but I feel it works. I agree that movement will get you seen fast whatever you are wearing, but waving a glowing flag is easier to spot thatn a flat color flag. Preference but if it makes a person feel more confident, it is a good thing for whatever reason I think.

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Last year I shot my deer where a navy blue sweat shirt and camo pants, two years earlier I was wearing a navy blue tee shirt and camo pants when I shot my deer and the year before that a navy blue thermal with the same pants. I wear my camo pants for the pockets and because they are comfortable and I don't mind ripping or getting a little blood on them. I really don't worry about being concealed when I'm rifle hunting since I stay pretty still most of the day while I'm glassing. I do carry a blaze orange vest with me that I put on when I have to pack an animal out.


I remember in my hunter ed. class twenty years ago that they told us not to wear anything red since it might look brown in certain lighting situations at certain distances. I also avoid anything white since someone might mistake it as a flag. I always get nervous when I have to leave a "deposit" in the woods and have my TP waving around in the wind :unsure:!

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we usually shoot each other on purpose when we're bird huntin'. keeps things interesting. not really, i'm just jokin', sorta. once i was dove huntin' with a pal and some moron set up about 100 yards down the canal from us. he shot the guy i was with about 3 times, everytime a dove flew between em. finally my buddy hollerd at him "HEY, DO YOU HAVE SIGHT ON THE END OF YOUR BARRELL"? the guy looks at it and says "yeah". my buddy says "YOU OUGHTA FILE IT OFF!". the guy says "why?" my buddy hollerd back "SO I DON'T HURT SO BAD WHEN I STUFF IT UP YOUR @$$!!!!!". he didn't wanna play no more and left.

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I carry orange surveyers tape with me. Tie a bunch of foot long streamers to the antlers when I pack him out. I am normally camo'd out. Just because they are my huntin clothes, stay with the rest of my gear.



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Lots of interesting comments pro and con. Back east it is mandatory but out here I can see where it might not be as necessary. I can see an alternative to be wearing a orange flagmans vest when your moving through areas with lots of hunters and when packing out but take it off when still hunting or one a stand. They are light and don't take much room in a daypack. The flagging tape has good uses too.



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