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Leica Duovid

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I currently have the leupold 10/17 switch powers and a pair of Vortex Kaibabs. The kaibabs are heavy so I think I'd be more likely to just use the switch powers on a pack and leave the kaibabs in the truck. The problem with the switch powers is you can feel the eye fatigue at 17 power. So my questions... Do the Duovids give you any eyestrain when at 15 power, could you sit and glass all day with them? And also are they bulky and heavy or pretty confortable to wear around your neck all day? How would you compare them at 15 power to the kaibabs?


Also, I'd like to get together with anyone that might have a pair some evening and do some comparisons if possible. Same goes for a vortex spotters.

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Duovids are best binos in the world. ONLY downfall is 15x is like looking through a straw. 97% of all my glassing is on 10x though.

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