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I might suggest you take a good look at some of the early American SXS shotguns. Granted they are not O/U's but a good selection of 16 gauges are available. Some of the older collectors have been selling off their shotguns and the price has come down where you can purchase a good quality LC Smith, Parker, Ithaca etc. shotguns for less than many of the auto loaders and other modern shotguns.

Don't base price off of what you see on Gunbroker, these price in many cases are unrealistic, although the sellers are finally starting to come down to what is fair since they are not selling.

The advantage of a 16 gauge is weight over the 12 gauge and of course less recoil. 7/8 oz of shot in a 2 3/4" shell is plenty for almost any shooting I do.

I actually shoot almost exclusively 2 1/2" shells in my 28, 20, and 16 gauges. High quality shells with lighter recoil and that pattern wonderfully will help you be more successful. I shoot shells made by RST Shotshell company. Not cheap but shells are the least expensive cost of any hunt. If I can help with any questions you might have concerning the possibility of a 16 gauge SXS feel free to PM me.

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A 16ga is an awesome gun to have!!! Google the term "square shotgun load" and read up on it. Essentially your most efficient and best patterning load is going to be the one that is balanced and "square" in the bore. A 16ga 1oz is just that. If you shoot a 20 ga it's a 7/8 I believe and a 12ga is 1 1/8oz. I have several 16ga sxs and love them! I have started moving back from heavy loads and shooting lighter and lighter loads and noticed nondifference in killing power.

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