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Sick deer?????

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This is the first time I've seen a deer like this. As you can see, the buck on the right is larger in body than the other two. This buck's body was significantly larger than the other two. In fact much larger than what I'd consider his head gear should be. His right antler is jacked up. Even his left side was rather weak as far as I'm concerned. We'll get a better look at his teeth as soon as we cape him.


Couple other things.


His face just looked different. Almost like his eyes were sunken in a little bit further than usual. His head was big, blocky and white!


Also, as my wife would say, his hair needed some serious treatment! It was natted and brittle- almost like an antelope. The underbelly of this buck was real bad with this. Nothing soft or smooth at all. I guess I'll say it like this. I thought that if this deer WAS in fact healtyh but old, he'd have a little more bone on top. Even if it's just a "frame". Just didn't seem to be a healthy deer if you ask me. I'm no expert but thought I'd ask if anyone's seen this before.


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My brother just called me. The buck doesn't appear to be old by looking at it's teeth.

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Did you check it's tounge, hoofs, and lining of the chest cavity? Was the buck killed near water?


The hooves appeared to be normal. I'll ask my brother about the tongue. Nothing abnormal in the chest cavity as far as I can remember.


This area was new to us. So we didn't have all of the water sources figured out. That wasn't our utmost priority at the time because we were still finding deer. There were a couple of holes that were dry but with only a day and a half in there, we didn't go looking for where they were watering. I had an idea where they could have been watering but never checked it out. Sorry for rambling, but to answer your question, the only water holes near the kill site (about 3/4 mile) that we knew of were dry.


The other two bucks appeared to be in fantastic shape.

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Was he acting wierd in the field? Lethargic, disoriented, or any thing like that? He might just be ugly, were the other two bucks picking on him and calling him names?


Any chance his nose glows red? :lol:

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Nope, his nose was normal ;) BUT, Santa sure did bring us some great gifts that morning!


My brother said he's going to test the deer the old fashion way. Eat him and find out if he get's sick later. :blink:

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That just ain't right PJ :huh: :P Do the words Mange, Mad Coues, CWD (Coues Wasting Disease) Or any of that strike your gag reflex? :P


Likely it will be fine but I would have it checked out and tested before I cut into a steak! :ph34r: Just in case.



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That just ain't right PJ :huh: :P Do the words Mange, Mad Coues, CWD (Coues Wasting Disease) Or any of that strike your gag reflex? :P


Likely it will be fine but I would have it checked out and tested before I cut into a steak! :ph34r: Just in case.




I thought CWD meant "Cover With more Dressing"!

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