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I have a Packrat building a nest in my Ford Super Duty.

I parked it in the back yard hoping my dog might catch it when it comes out to feed.

Does anyone have a good way to get rid of this thing before it chews up the wires?


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Generally, if you just open the hood of the truck whenever you aren't driving it, then they will leave. That's how they avoid the problem at the Arboretum where my husband works. They have found it to be very effective. I think the packrats like a dark area to build a nest and by opening the hood you let all the light in and it's not so inviting. It may also not be as good a shelter at night too with the hood open.


You can also live trap them (better than possibly having your dog or young child eat poison). We had one in our attic and trapped it pretty easily. Had to borrow a live trap. Maybe animal control will loan you one?



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I've used mothballs. They've done a very good job for me. I've put them under the hood of parked vehicles and I have tossed them into the nests - it doesn't kill them it just makes them move on.

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Great repleys

Thanks everyone

I was told they are hard to live trap???????

I did leave the hood open last night and is still open.

I do not drive that truck very much decause it is diesel

and cost more to drive than my old hunting truck.

I like the idea of mothballs better than poision

I will give that a try.



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I have used concentrated Spearmint Oil in the past and it works better than anything. All you need to do is spray around your truck and spray the undercarriage and inside the engine compartment and he wont bother you anymore.

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Try some rat poison/bait and a bowl of antifreeze under the hood. Don't let your dog to either.



KILLER :angry:


:lol: Just kidding

I bought some this morning on the way to work.

Mike ;)

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I have used concentrated Spearmint Oil in the past and it works better than anything. All you need to do is spray around your truck and spray the undercarriage and inside the engine compartment and he wont bother you anymore.


Do you get that at the grocery store?

Never heard of it

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I have used concentrated Spearmint Oil in the past and it works better than anything. All you need to do is spray around your truck and spray the undercarriage and inside the engine compartment and he wont bother you anymore.


Do you get that at the grocery store?

Never heard of it


I am sorry it is not spearmint oil, it is concentrated peppermint oil. I buy it at ace hardware. It is made by victor and they have several formulations. I can't recall which one I use but if you read the back of the can you'll figure it out. I have not had any pack rat problems since I started using it. Just spray your engine compartment every two to four days. Hope this helps.


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Put a handful of sunflower seeds on top of your radiator cap, then wait till you see him peek over the top of your radiator, when he does, blast him a full choke, 00 buck, 12 ga. BOTH BARRELS!


No more packrat.


Your truck won't run anymore, but since it's a Ford, you won't be able to tell the difference.

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Put a handful of sunflower seeds on top of your radiator cap, then wait till you see him peek over the top of your radiator, when he does, blast him a full choke, 00 buck, 12 ga. BOTH BARRELS!


No more packrat.


Your truck won't run anymore, but since it's a Ford, you won't be able to tell the difference.





LMFAO :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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