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Trespassing Fiasco

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This is a very unfortunate news item- Never good when hunters are in a negative story regardless of who is in the right on this one




BISBEE - A southern Arizona rancher known for detaining illegal immigrants continues to challenge a $98,775 judgment awarded in a lawsuit against him.


The Arizona Court of Appeals, in a ruling released this week, upheld the judgment, which was awarded to a group of deer hunters Roger Barnett found trespassing on his Douglas-area ranch in October 2004.


A lawsuit filed on behalf of the group, which included three young children, alleged Barnett threatened the five with an assault-type rifle, as well as battery, false imprisonment, negligence, gross negligence and intentional infliction of emotional distress.


David T. Hardy, who is Barnett's attorney, said Thursday that he would appeal the appellant court ruling to the Arizona Supreme Court.

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If I remember right, the hunters were not "trespassing" on Barnetts' land, they were legally hunting on State Trust land that Barnett leases for livestock grazing. That is part of the reason that he was hit with the judgment that he was.

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Many of the ranchers down there seam to think they own the land. We always had an issue with the rancher down by the Dragoons... what a PITA. He actually stopped in camp one time and wanted to see the tags on the deer we had hanging. I heard he eventually had a serious run-in with the law regarding refusing to move his cattle. I believe he got jail time for that one... but may be wrong.

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like John Wayne said,"life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid". this guy is in for a hard life. Lark.

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