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Dec 17th arch deer

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I get to wait until Jan. but a couple of my friends have the Dec. 36b rifle hunt so at least I get to go along and be another set of eyes for them. I am anxiously awaiting the Jan. season though, seen a couple of BIG mulies the last couple of weekends.

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I too will be waiting till January. Long wait since last January. However, I will be taking my nephew to unit 29 the 17th for five days. After that I will be helping my uncle in unit 23 on his late rifle hunt. Good luck.



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I got out for the last bit of the afternoon today and saw 2 bucks. One was a decent low to mid 80's 3pt and the other deer was very big bodied but he was gettin through the trees and I couldn't make out what was atop his noggin. I'd like to say it was a non-typ 140" buck but it probably wasn't. I was out checking my salt lick and the cattle are tearing it up!! I hate them suckers!!!!! I hope they're out of there before the rut starts. I did find a cool shed and a kind that I've always wanted to find too. I've seen a few skulls with this before but have never been able to find a shed like it till today. It's got a two point frame with a big bladed eyeguard with two cheaters behind and on inside of the eyeguard. Pretty cool.


Josh Epperson

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Whoops, here's the pic. Oh ya, and I saw 3 brand new scrapes during the hike also. I'm getting pumped!!!




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I had expected to miss the Archery hunt. Knee surgery on 12/9. The Doctor did some voodoo and I am already riding a stationary bike. I now believe I will be able to hunt late int eh archery hunt. I expect to head back to unit 36. How late does the rut generally last.

Couse and Mule if you know and i bet you do.



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Last year I saw rutting behavior on the very last day of January. It was a fast and furious and the middle of the month, but the bucks were still around the does.


What kind of knee surgery did you have? I have had 4. Two ACL replacements and two scopes. My first ACL was in June of '00 and I was hunting elk by September. My second ACL was in May of '03 and then had my knee scoped again on July 31, 2003 and I was able to hunt elk again in September, but that was really rough and frustrating. The knee was still pretty sore and weak.

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My knee's have been scoped seperately the in the last eighteen months. They get sore but no swelling, good therapy really helps..2cents vml

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I had my knee scoped this last June, I was riding my mountain bike 20+ miles in a week and a half and back to running 5 miles in about 2 1/2 weeks. I should've had it done a long time ago but I am a big wuss when it comes to seeing the doctor, the last time I saw a doctor before knee surgery they flew me into UMC in a helicopter!


Good luck to all this late season opener

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