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WTB 6.5 Prc ammo

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Thanks sir!  I'll do the same.  I have seen Match in a few places here and there but that is it. I'm really hoping to shoot the Fed Terminal Accent and  hoping the 130s shoot good. I know the 143 ELDX shoot in everything and We have killed 3 deer with that bullet now out of the 6.5c with no real concerns, but on 2 different elk now, pulled the bullet out of the neck and shoulder and could have reloaded both of those bullets. The bullet almost literally did nothing so not really keen on that for this prc at the moment. I'm sure there are as many blew a hole the size of a buick stories on elk as the 2 that I have seen but still makes me nervous. Everything we have shot with bergers (7mag and 280ai both in 168s) just destroys...Bear, elk, deer and a poor unfortunate in the wrong place at the wrong time coyote last weekend.  I really wish Fed would load the bergers in 140ish for that round.  They came out with them and now not cataloged anymore. Not sure what happened.  

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Unknown Munitions has some and will load it to SAAMI spec or to a seating depth you prefer. It’s pricey and they take a couple weeks to load it for you, but it’s available with Berger and Hornady if I remember correctly. 

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