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Are You protesting tonite or watching it on TV? The Ferguson MO. thing that is going on. I think it is a joke. Ask any one of them protesting if they have a job ,or what time they have to be to work in the morning. Shouldn't they be home gettin some sleep? O wait , welfare! You don't have to get up. Only to go to the mail box to Get them food stamps at 2pm. then get ready to protest tonite. What about 37 people shot in Chicago and 12 dead this past weekend. Where is the media on that. And I bet most or all were black. CNN wouldn't put one of their reporters in that zone. And I am not predjudice. I grew up in the inner city in Penn. and played Basketball with all blacks. I remember the race riots in middle school in 1968 and its not much different today. Sad that things aint changed. The left is giving them too much off a free LIFE. And I grew up left but left about 25 years ago. I could go on all nite. Had to Rant. What do You Guys think.........BOB!

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I don't know when it comes. I never got one I will be 58 in 2 weeks and worked since I was 14. I am praying there is Soc. Sec. in 4 years or another protest will begin, and My guns have better scopes than these protesters...........BOB!

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If it was a black cop that shot a white dude this never would have been on the news and there wouldn't have been rioting and looting in the street. Not trying to stir things up or anything but that's how it is. Sad that the news has to always play the race card.

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Don't worry, you'll get your SS in 4 years, not sure how long the checks will keep hitting the mailbox though with the failing plan,and I don't mind paying for it, for the people who actually deserve it! When my turn comes in 30+ years I doubt it'll be there.

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CNN has a town hall meeting on rite now and all the Black folks they have on are well educated. Looks good. Bring on some of the thugs and try to have them make scense. They won't do it. We are at war with the World but these people have no clue...........BOB!

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Not really into politics or posting on this particular forum, but just spend four days in the St Louis area, locals tell me that Ferguson is mostly a blue collar neighborhood, so they are coming from another area to protest/loot and reek havoic. One thing that I'm sure of, all of the work shoes/boots are reasonably safe there.

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Guest wdenike

Please guys don't refer to the animals as looters. As that is very racist. It is much more politically corect to refer to them as undocumented shoppers. Thank you. Take care, Willie

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