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About trr15

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  1. trr15

    WTS: Zeiss Conquest HD 15x56

    Still available.
  2. trr15

    WTS: Zeiss Conquest HD 15x56

    Correct. I'm in Fort Worth, TX.
  3. trr15

    WTS: Zeiss Conquest HD 15x56

    Sorry about that. Hopefully the pics are showing now.
  4. As the title states, I have a like new set of 15x56 Zeiss Conquest HDs for sale or trade. They’re roughly 6 months old and have seen zero field time, so they’re like new. They have the Outdoorsman's stud installed. I can remove it if you don't want it. Will sell for $1300 TYD paypal f&f or add 3%. Trade interests include (with cash going either way): Swarovski ATX/STX 95mm objective Kimber Mountain Ascent (open on caliber) Bolt action rifles chambered in .270 win Other quality bolt action hunting rifles I'm still relatively new to this forum, but I've been on Rokslide.com for years and have these cross-listed there. Feel free to check out the listing and contact me if you have any questions. Thanks
  5. trr15

    Outdoorsman Tripod & Accessories

    Mike - the window mount arrived today, as described. Thanks for the fast shipping!
  6. trr15

    Outdoorsman Tripod & Accessories

    Mike - I don’t see a listing for the 10x42s. What are the details and price? Thanks
  7. trr15

    Outdoorsman Tripod & Accessories

    I’ve been in contact with him as well. Seems legit.
  8. trr15

    Outdoorsman Tripod & Accessories

    I’ll take the window mount. Pm incoming
  9. trr15

    Queensland Heeler Pups

    My red heeler will be 5 in February. Best (and smartest) dang dog I've ever had.
  10. trr15

    Beautiful bobcat rug (done by Mark plunket)

    That is an awesome rug!
  11. trr15


    Just sent you a PM. Thanks
  12. trr15

    GoPro Digiscoping setup

    I'll take the 57mm. PM inbound.
  13. Are you interested in selling the brass and bullets separately?
  14. trr15


    Sorry to hear about your health problems. Good luck with the sale.
  15. trr15

    Zeiss Victory HT 10x42 binoculars - $1,100

    Thank you. Last thing I need is another set of binos, but I was getting close to pulling the trigger on those. Great deal!