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In the market for a TC Contender G1 Forend

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Just bought my first TC Contender G1 (used) along with a .223 round barrel. Now in the market for Contender G1 wood forend with checkering for a round barrel like in pic below.

Wondering if anyone in the CWT community might have one they are willing to part with for a reasonable price. Yes, I see them on Ebay but by the time current bidding is closed (3-5 days) and if lucky enough to win it, there’s still shipping days and I’m trying to complete my build before my javelina hunt on 2/10. 
Figured it’s worth a shot in asking.

Located north of Tucson/Oro Valley



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36 minutes ago, Crazymonkey said:

Length of barrel will help . The 223 is usually a super 14 and  the forend is a two screw .

I believe he's got a 10" barrel...

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If your gun is a 10 inch barrel  I've  got one you could  borrow  for your hunt. My buddy  is using  my Contender  in 223 with the 14 inch barrel for the pig hunt .I'm in gilbert  and work in Phoenix  if you can't  find one before  your hunt.


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I believe I have one to sell, pm.me your contact info if you still need one.

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PM send to Edge. 

Yes Drcarr is correct, it’s a 10 inch round barrel that I have. So it would be 1 screw.

Thanks for the offer Crazy Monkey.

Also thanks Early Bronco for the offer. Will keep that in mind.

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That's going to be loud for sure. I get looks when I'm shooting mine at the range😩 from a bunch of people. Then I break out the striker in 22-250 it has a break on it and is  twice  as loud. Good  luck on your hunt.


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3 minutes ago, Crazymonkey said:

That's going to be loud for sure. I get looks when I'm shooting mine at the range😩 from a bunch of people. Then I break out the striker in 22-250 it has a break on it and is  twice  as loud. Good  luck on your hunt.


I had one in the late 80's and put a 14" 223 barrel on it. I used about 24 grains of H322 which at the time was marked MIL SURP and was about $6 a pound from Pistol Parlour. It shot dime sized groups but I sold it to buy an XP100. It was a very early TC and the serial number was 13,###.

Shot my first Javelina with it up off of East Cowboy Miller Road.

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