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How to finish/slaughter a lamb?

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I figure somebody out there is an authority on this,


A friend has offered my family a couple of 'pet' lambs that they can't bear to kill themselves and have asked us to take them off their hands... Needless to say, I'm not going to turn down a couple free of juicy lambs.


My questions: Is there anything we can have them feed them in the next 1-2 weeks to 'finish' the them off so the meat might improve? I'm willing to buy corn, oats, etc to help the flavor.


Knife or gun? I was thinking of holding them down and cutting their throats to let them bleed out, but maybe there is a better way? .38 to the head?


PM me if you think details might be too juicy for our forum ;)



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Have you ever thought of hanging or electrocution?




Michael Vick.

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It really depends on thier size and age, the folks at Arizona Feeds should be able to hook you up with a grain pellet to finish them for slaughter.

I would pop them in the head with a .22 and slit thier throats then hang them from a tree and let them bleed out. Use caution when skinning as the oils and Lanolin can contaminate the meat and give a strong taste.

Many many years ago I worked in a slaughter house where we mainly slaughtered lambs, I work the "kill box" and I had a wand that would shock them enough to knock them out then I would cut thier throats and hang them up and let them bleed out. By far the most physical job I have ever had.


mmmmmmmm grilled lamb chops!

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If they will eat fruits and veggies.... we used to bring home the old produce from the market my Mom worked at... and of course sweet feed is good. The knife method can be messy if you don't plan it out right, but the best way to bleed them, forsure.... then get them hung upside down to finish bleeding out. Good luck.

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