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left over tags draw? when do we know results?

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They lost my app. Said they didn't get it. Problem with that answer is that I sent it priority mail with tracking, and it had a confirmed delivery of 8:51 am monday morning.

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might have to have a little get together if anybody is going to camp down there and not just commute every day. :D


Well, I'm not commuting everyday from Flagtown :blink: , so I will be camped there somewhere at the base of the Babos.

I hear Scottyboy is bringing elk backstrap to the party. :rolleyes: ;)

I was surprised to see so many leftovers in 34A. That was my second choice for LO.




Hey Doug any idea on exactly were your gonna camp?


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Hey Doug any idea on exactly were your gonna camp?



I have 3 different spots I would like to scout, so I have no definite site yet. Last year we were by the Elkhorn, but few deer were seen, so I'm looking elsewhere.

But somewhere close to the elk backstraps :P



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Should I be so lucky, there will be PLENTY of tasty elk backstaps for all CWTer's for the Nov hunt in C!!! I will even set them aside just for the ocassion... You now have my word.. I've still got to get the bull down though!

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going to have to agree on a CWT channel for the radios so we can hear how everyone is doing...the unit should be pretty well covered.

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Sorry guy's, I i'm going to buck the trend...35b late nov. Fill free to bring some back straps by, I'll supply the beer.

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After having someone at the GF drop the ball and I can prove I was cheated out of my Dec Coues tag


I can't help myself, PROVE IT. :P



After having someone at the GF drop the ball and I can prove I was cheated out of my Dec Coues tag


I can't help myself, PROVE IT. :P



Took the words right out of my mouth!! I need a story on this one.



here you go guys....



They said my license number was left off the app. I checked my copy and everything is CORRECT!!! THere was nothing they would do either.


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You can tell the AZGFD is lying. Their lips are moving. I have never seen such a bunch of lying cheating SOBs in my life. After years of watching their fun and games here are some more evidence of lying and cheating. Not only do you have proof so does my son. He was told that they didn't have his aplication. Well after years of watching them do this to people every year, he put a tracer on the aplication. He has the time of delivery. Now if it was worth the time and money to take there lying a$$ to court. Untill we have the Commissioners elected there will never be a change. The Governor doesn't give a dang about what goes on in this Communistic branch of Arizona Government. They have absolute power and untill that changes nothing else will.

Sorry if I sound bitter, but after 40 years of watching this sort of thing go on it makes me sick. It is only a matter of time something like this happens to you. All of the screw-ups may be honest misstakes, but the cover-up that happens after they are called on it is maddening.

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They lost my app. Said they didn't get it. Problem with that answer is that I sent it priority mail with tracking, and it had a confirmed delivery of 8:51 am monday morning.



They lost my sons application as well. Same response you were given, sorry we didn't get an application from you. That is B.S. I would like to know if they found the missing mail bag with our applications in it yet!!

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here you go guys....



They said my license number was left off the app. I checked my copy and everything is CORRECT!!! THere was nothing they would do either.


Sorry to hear that. Regardless of it being a mistake or intentional on their part its sucks. I had the same thing happen to a couple buddies who put in for elk on the same app, back in the day. It was weird to hear the G&F movie phone voice say "YOU WERE REJECTED".


Anyway you said you had proof and left me hanging so appoligies if I seemed mean with it. I just have this bad habit of telling folks to prove it.

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I know it won't happen but I think everyone that has proof of AZGFD screw-ups or wrong doings should attend one of the commission meetings and present the evidence to the commission. Most people, me included, just call and complain to someones boss at the dept. Well you know they are going to cover up anything they can and make up different excuses. I think the commission is more honorable than people think. Most of the problems and down right lying comes from the directors office.

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That really sucks about the App rejection. But in AZGFD's defense .... I think we are the ONLY state that has a Correction Period to avoid this kind of thing. I don't think they are out to get anybody especially when it means they can't take your money.


My $.02

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Well .. I can tell you I had some misinformation when it comes to the game and fish department this year on the left over tags ... I will sum it up

# 1--- the left over process is not first come first serve ... it is the first ones grabbed out of pile

#2 --- the reason it is not truely a first come first serve is because it is impossible to do itt hat way through the mail... they do it through the mail for the extra revenue from the out of state apps (5.5 x the $$$$) left overs are not subject to the non resident cap

#3 --- the wording on when apps should be recieved needs changed I had this discussion with them and they seem to agree ... we will see if they take the advice

#4 --- if you are told they are going to have multiple mail pick ups on the day apps start arriving this is not true



All this comes after contacting game and fish the week before the 3rd...I Was told by the rep that any apps recieved in their mail box before monday were void and that post marks are looked at ... with that being said I decided to make the 150 mile round trip and go to their post office in athem only to see the G&F truck leaving as we went in at open... Now by legaL DEFINITION mail is recieved when it is put in the p.o. box not when it is picked up... So what I was told made sense and I did not question it until I called them again when leaving the post office and was told I misinformed.... then I was told they were going to do at least one more pick up that day ... not the case as I found out the next day ... my apps dropped off at 9:08 am 8 minutes after the opening of the post office would not be i the monday selection and were now at the bottom of a huge pile of tuesday apps.... with all this being said the ladies in the draw department were great ... they apologized for the miscommunications and let me know that I had been picked even though it was not on monday selections ... My suggestion was they re-word the leftover instructions stating no apps can be recieved before close of business on the friday before their pick up ... this would have saved alot of headache I am sure for many ... I was not worried about being selected but I was worried about being rejected if what the first guy told me was accurate...


Now if you have questions on the actual apps and missing info they scan every app and save them... they will send a copy to you via e-mail.... if they have made a mistake there are rules to allow them to correct the error, these are stated in the regs and from what I have heard have been implemeted when they have been wrong...


The one lesson I learned the most from all this is if you are transfered to the draw department make sure you are getting the draw department... they are all ladies in there and they seem to take alot of chit from hunters that were misinformed by guys in other departments who seem to say what tthey think not what they know ... or maybe it is what they think you want to hear...


I hope they improve the left over selection and if they are that worried about the out of state revenue then set aside an additional 10 or 15 percent for out of state mail apps and start the first come first serve asit is stated by allowing us to walk into any g&f office and buy them ...

then it truely can be first come first serve




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