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Muley Behavior Question

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I know this is mainly a coues forum but I was wonder if someone might help me out. I've got a question for you guys. Do muleys make scrapes on the ground like whitetails? If so do they only make them during the rut or do they make them all year. The reason I'm asking is because I put a mineral lick out near where I plan on setting up a stand and I found what I believe to be 3 different scrapes within 15 yards of the lick. They were areas about a foot and a half around and had fresh sign in them (scat). They were all at the base of trees, 2 pines and a juniper. At first I thought they were eating the juniper berries, but then I found the other 2 under the pines. Now I don't know what to think. What do you guys think??



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They may be bedding areas. Sometimes deer/elk will scrape away leaves or pineneedles before bedding down. A true rutting scrape will have deer rubs nearby and the deer will urinate (not crap) in the scrapes.


I don't know if muleys scrape and rub. I don't hunt carp that much.

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Thx for the reply. Yeah, I was kinda bewildered. I thought at first they might be pawing at the bases of these trees looking for small shoots of grass or something. Thats probably what is was. Well its good to see action right below my stand!!!! I'll tell you what though, they are hammering my mineral lick! I used a liquid type product and I cleared an 8 foot circle to pour the stuff into and they've dug it down about 4 inches in 1 month. I'm gonna put a camera on it over the weekend and see whats coming in. Man I love hunting, the preparation, the excitement of seeing your spot getting hit, wondering whats hitting it, lets just hope we can add an Elk tag to the mix and it'll be a heck of a year.


Good luck on the draw.



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Brett that seems to be about right.

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