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A picture from the rally yesterday in Phoenix

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I will tell you all this much. I fill that the Hispanic people can be some of the hardist working people you will find. But just like any race they have some very lazy people as well. America has not been good for alotof people that came to America as hard workers. I do plumbing every day in section eight properties. And they are filled to the brim with non hard working illeagles. They are asking for free housing. They are getting everything they need free. So there is no need to work for it. I go inside those units and mom dad and atleast four kids are home on an iPhone all day with 10 shopping carts infront of the unit. I have lost thousands of dollars worth of tools at the properties. While I am there working for my money. I can never prove who stole it and the hundred men setting on car hoods not working saw who did it but will never tell you who took it.am I racist heck no, but bitter towards them heck yes.

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Guest spcheuvront



Man I hear you, many years we had the same problem on a 6 month job. The second week we found the baddest sob in the place, ended up being a 5'-1"

130 lb. little mexican man. He looked like a priest, but his eyes said something else. Well we paid him to give us security at 300 a week and all the robbery stopped, just saying-

Not saying right or wrong, but we were loosing subs, left and right. It worked, and very well. We never ever again spoke to this man and sent him a check like any subcontractor.


Steve Cheuvront

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I know what you mean. I have worked on commercial jobsites for almost 30 years ,but I have been fortunate to only lose a handful of tools as I never leave my stuff unattended, or unwatched. Too many sticky fingers out there.


A few years back we were working a very large project and alot of different subs were loosing tools left and right. A sting operation was setup by the contractor and the thief was caught redhanded. We all gave the thief a cold sendoff as he was escorted to the police car. He was a temp laborer.


Not long ago, during the I-10 expansion project here in Tucson, some thieves stole one of those high dollar portable welder/generator rigs that you pull behind a truck.


Little did the thieves know that there was a GPS tracking unit installed on it. The cops followed it right to the house which ended up being part of a meth ring, and busted everyone in the house. How sweet is that?

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