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Protecting a Video Cam

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In a couple of weeks I am going to SE Alaska for an archery spot and stalk Spring Black Bear hunt. I would like to have my husband video my hunt but I am worried what the weather might do to the camera. We are hunting in a rain forest, so obviously I expect rain, how do you guys protect your video cams? I have a case that we used for underwater snorkeling, but it is very bulky and not conducive to run and gun. The cam is a a Sony Handycam 10.2 HDD Hybrid.

Thanks! :rolleyes:

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I wish I could help you with you camera situation but I would like to say good luck and have a safe trip. We'll expect lots of pictures when you get back. :)



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I use a camo canvas sleeve that fits over the whole cam. Maybe they make one for your cam? I don't remember where I got mine, but if you google something like video camera protectors or sleeves you might find something.


Sounds like an exciting hunt you are going on!!

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I can tell you after just getting back from my first major role as a Cameraman, that there was 2 days where I did not even take the camera out of the Pelican Case.... I should have taken a Rain Cover, but was told we would not see any rain.... :lol: :lol: In your case I would look up the Camera you are taking with you online, then look up the available accessories for that camera..... most of your professional grade cameras offer a rain cover for filming in the wet conditions...but they will add a noise factor as well. Moisture is a camera Killer... so go over prepared. I had moisture issues just because of the humidity and sweat... there was more to keeping my equipment moisture and dust free than I would have thought on my trip and I assure you it (moisture) will be a huge issue on your hunt as well. Best of Luck ... can't wait to see your pics and video! :)

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This may be overkill bbut I saw them do it on Deadliest Catch. They had pelican cases that they drilled holes in for the lense and siliconed a piece of acrylic or poly to see out of. For the controlls then siliconed heavy duty waterproof gloves pointing into the case so they could control the camera.

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