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Alleged Lion Attack in Prescott

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Two things don't add up for me on this deal,


#1 If this lion pounced on this guy's back I think it would have left more than one 2 inch "scratch" on his back :blink: .


#2 If the lion was stalking this guy, then why did it "growl"? Aren't they pretty stealthy predators?


Just me being skeptical I guess.

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Maybe he was wearing some Old Spice?


HA! I wasn't thinking it could have been one of those middle aged female type cougers :P I guess one of those could have left a 2 inch scratch if she hadn't had her nails done recently.

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Maybe he was wearing some Old Spice?


:lol: :P ;)

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Guest Bandido

Yeah it must have been the Old Spice. If it had been Obsession For Men the guy may have received more than a scratch. :o

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Maybe it's just bad reporting, but it sounds like most of his injuries came from sliding under the truck. I haven't been up-close and personal with a cougar, but I've taken on 2 inch scratches from a nasty batch of inert scrub-oak and manzanita.


The few "Wild America" episodes I've seen of Mt. Lions taking down prey, I'd say the claws were digging in 2-3 inches deep and curling under the flesh. I think it's the shock created by that level of trauma that makes the prey go limp and fall. I bet we've all shot a buck with a few branches buried beneath the flesh, deer can bust through all kinds of bad stuff taking the brunt of it and going on about their business like nothing happened. But get 2 fistfulls of cougar claws in them and they all of a sudden go limp...I just don't see how this guy could get seriously attacked by a cougar and have a couple of scratches. My wife's flu-flu-inbred Himalayan house cats used to do that to me all the time and they weighed in around 4 pounds. It's a little hard for me to swallow a 100-200 pound cat pouncing on ANYTHING and leaving a couple 2 inch scratches.


Just call me Mr. Skeptical, but I think joe schmuck is looking for some sympathy medical leave.

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not sure about the whole story but I can say for 100% certainty that mtn lions can be very noisy when they are closing in on prey. In 2001 I had one face me down at about 10 ft after closing the distance from about 45 yards, snarling hissing and growling the whole time.

Not a pleasant experience for sure. He saw me and I saw him so the situation might be different when they sneak up on someone.



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