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32 success

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ttachment=27619:1022101803a_1_.JPG]Life has become very hectic the older i get and i dont get to spend as much time with old friends as i would like. This was my best buddy mike's 3rd time hunting coues, he scored a 2 point out of 32 two years ago. We both had sons last year and have new families and don't get to hang all that much anymore so spending some time with him doing what i love most was short but sweet. we started walking an hour before sunrise and got pretty high up as the horizon began to light up. at 730 we had 4 bucks glassed up and stalked to 350 yards. there was a really unique tall and narrow 3x3, a similar 2x2, a 3x2, and a spike. we each chose which buck we wished to take and it was on. i fired at the tall narrow 3x3 as he fired at the similar 2x2. and we both missed. my 3x3 hit ludacris speed straight up and over while his 2x2 headed down hill. as the top of the hill dropped to meet the bucks escape route he fired a shot on the run and while we didn't see anything that would indicate a hit, the sound was all too familiar. I then noticed the 3x2 was standing in the same spot dumbfounded. I fired making a good hit, he dropped after a couple of yards. my buddy went on to the top of the hill to where his buck was when he fired and couldn't even pick up on his trail and saw no blood. so he searched the two barrel cactus the buck ran between to see if he hit one of them to make the impact sound and found nothing. he searched for 2 hours at the top of the hill for sign of his buck. just before giving up he decided to drop down to the next creek bottom to see if he would find him. about 3/4 of the way down he heard him bust through the brush and saw him running up the opposite hill. a well placed heart shot dropped him where he stood. we both only had 2 days to hunt and were more than happy to take these bucks. now here is the funny part. he has been so busy with 2 jobs and family and also is one of the worlds best procrastinators he ended up getting off work late thursday but still needed to sight in so at sunset he sighted in in his headlights at 30 yards. i asked if he got to sight in and he said " i blew up a soda can at 30 yards". i said why didnt you shoot any further and he told me sun was going down and had to use his headlights. i was almost reluctant to let him shoot his rifle as to not mangle a buck and not make a humane kill. he hit that buck on a dead run at 450 yards! while he did shoot him through the left hind leg and did have to search a while. he stuck with it and found his buck and made a good heart shot to end it. i know its is illegal to shoot after dark but if doing so will let me hit a buck on the run at 450 yards then hmmmm, just kidding.



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Awesome guys! Great way to fill the freezer. Cant wait for my 36B hunt!

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nice bucks i got my unit 32 hunt coming up wanna share where that area is if so pm me lmao but really . nice bucks !

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