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About Redman

  • Rank
    Premier Member
  • Birthday August 24

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  • Gender
  • Location
    East Mesa
  • Interests
    Usually whatever

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  1. Redman


    The mini will run on 12V also
  2. Redman


    man that is great news! thanks for posting
  3. Redman


    you sir educated me..or peaked my curiosity enough to learn more about the mini, I am going to wait on the Starlink mini and get it once it's in full release.
  4. Redman


    Thanks great feedback, since I will only be using it after "setup" not sure I need the mobile plan, I think there was a time the number of users was limited, but I think Elon has taken care of that!
  5. Redman


    I get your point, but I would like to extend my camping and Starlink can make it happen. While I am not important, it is hard for me to get away for 5 days without something requiring attention... my kids also have classes and could use it
  6. Redman


    Kicking around ideas and have done some research..I am curious if any CWT members have Starlink and take it to camp? How do you like it (or is the below is accurate)? I have a Garmin In-Reach which is good for basic texting when there is no cell service and peace of mind in case of an emergency...but with the newer iPhones, emergency calls can be made via satellite. The Garmin plan is $35 a month (plus a $35 annual fee) - Starlink is $100 a month (cancel anytime), with WIFI enabled on phone, one could have unlimited calls / texts when close to the router (at camp). It would be cool to stream live TV (sports) at camp and anyone at camp could use Starlink. Garmin is a one device, but does have emergency insurance - which could be big in an emergency rescue. Starlink is $299 (on sale) now...
  7. Redman

    Caye Caulker Belize Flats Fishing

    awesome! I hope to get to Belize soon.
  8. ruining the forrest LOL everyone on CWT will be DEAD in 30 years... forrest will still be alive
  9. Redman

    How long until cards are hit??

    worked up? nah man, this is fun.
  10. Redman

    How long until cards are hit??

    i think last year the draw was posted on the 28th. The years prior in results early July.
  11. Redman

    How long until cards are hit??

    I will say next Friday the results posted.
  12. Redman

    How long until cards are hit??

    Left overs in NM
  13. Redman

    How long until cards are hit??

    Guesses on when the results post?
  14. Redman

    How bout them Devils!

    but but ASU is a baseball school...LOL! So much winning by UA!
  15. Redman

    How bout them Devils!

    So much winning by U of A! Bear Down!