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elk vs woves

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well, if you thought that closing the pronghorn hunt in 19 is a controversy, wait'll ya get to read this one. i tried to download the pdf file, but i'm not very good with computers and couldn't get it to happen. so i'll just explain what is going to happen either today or tomorrow. as most folks know, i'm quite anti wolf, mostly it's anti stupid, but the wolf deal falls in that category. i get a lot of things sent to me, some in confidence, concerning the wolf controversy. i guess that the powers that be have decided that there ain't enough elk for us to hunt and for the wolves to eat. supposed to be a request soon, maybe today, trying to stop elk hunting, until more "surveys" can be done, in unit 27, 1 and 2b in Az and 15, 22, 21 and 17 in new mex. from what i gather, it may impact the 2011 seasons. it mentions deer, but doesn't say they were going to try anything with them. i can send you the file on a pm if you want to see it, but i can't for the life of me get it to load on here. anyway, it's gonna be interesting. sorry for the rotten news. Lark.

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I'd like to see a copy of that. Thanks for the info. I knew years ago thats what the whole point of re-introduction was.


My Great Great Great Grandfather Max Balke settled on the Blue river in 1890. I know from stories that they worked hard to deal with predators in that country and it was always a battle. Hard living back in those days. To see all their hard work pissed on by environmentalist dirtbags makes me sick. Theres no use for wolves out there. Especially in-bred, half-breed wolves. grrr.

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hunterlee really screwed up my scam. you're sposeta just roll with it if ya figger it out. crap. at least one guy bit on it. i really wanted allen and amanda to get twisted off. Lark.

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We have gas prices approaching or expected to reach $5 a gallon, cause we dont, cant, won't drill for oil. We have a economy in shambles and zero manufacturing to help us rebound cause we can't build factories. All due to these enviro nut jobs and our governments lack of ability to stand up to them and do what is right by the people. Actually our goverment placates them and tries to appease them. But that is also our fault for electing the people we do and not standing up to all of it and demanding an end to it. This may be a joke but I could see this actually being tried :ph34r: !

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Oh MAN! I'm so ticked off!!!! I went next doore and poured honey in my environMENTALISTS neighbor's gass tank on his hippie van! Suck on that wolf lova! ;) ha lol! jk jk. :lol: your too funny!

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The gag only worked because it's not out of the realm of possibility.

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