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national monument designation

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I'm not saying it has happened or will happen. However, with funds from the Arizona Lottery and income tax donations financing an expanded non-game branch, "infiltration" certainly is possible.


Bill Quimby

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I think we all need to realize that this state has more than huntable wildlife in it and therefor we have to understand that there will be those people in the department who will work with those species--why would you need a hunter to count how many Bats have white nose diseases? The department is the way it is because the state is the way it is and it isn't all hunters.


Diversity is the the way it is and it will always be--try to make it any other way would be a defeat to those who will try. I do believe that we can speak out when we do not agree with what the department does but there still has to be a middle ground--even if we hunters are paying the lion share of the bills...if the other side started paying the lion share of the bills we would lose everything we love very fast..


Makes sense to me......

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I don't recall that I said anything in my post that indicated that the AZGFD was perfect or had an entire staff that is prohunting, ant- wolf or anything else. My comment was a generalization regarding my own experiences with the department. The department has a wolf recovery program. Would you assign anti wolf people to that effort? I am not a fan of everything that the Commission or Department has ever done in the past but I respact their efforts to consider the opinion of every Arizonan.

Do I think that every single employee in the department has the best interest of hunters in mind? No. I'm a realist. I will anxiously await your report regarding the infiltration of the department by the anti-hunter crowd.

Can you identify another agency in this state that does not rely on the general fund to get their job done?


Geez George... If I were a betting man, I would say that it is Comm1 writing your responses. I have watched your posts and I would say that half the time it is Robbie doing the posting. If you want to believe that all is great from the Carefree towers, so be it. I will continue to think differently. I will hope that an agency that is over 90 million dollars will show us what is behind the curtains.

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it's plain to see you are against the AZG&F department BPJ. sorry they do not meet the standards of you and your azsfw buddies . Be nice to see all the details behind the curtains of your little group! be nice to see what money can buy!

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Non-Typical Solutions you sound like the kind of teacher kids love and never forget !I had a few teachers that still stand out in my mind that helped shape my life. My shop teacher was one of them!

Thank you for your commitment to kids!

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I don't recall that I said anything in my post that indicated that the AZGFD was perfect or had an entire staff that is prohunting, ant- wolf or anything else. My comment was a generalization regarding my own experiences with the department. The department has a wolf recovery program. Would you assign anti wolf people to that effort? I am not a fan of everything that the Commission or Department has ever done in the past but I respact their efforts to consider the opinion of every Arizonan.

Do I think that every single employee in the department has the best interest of hunters in mind? No. I'm a realist. I will anxiously await your report regarding the infiltration of the department by the anti-hunter crowd.

Can you identify another agency in this state that does not rely on the general fund to get their job done?


Geez George... If I were a betting man, I would say that it is Comm1 writing your responses. I have watched your posts and I would say that half the time it is Robbie doing the posting. If you want to believe that all is great from the Carefree towers, so be it. I will continue to think differently. I will hope that an agency that is over 90 million dollars will show us what is behind the curtains.

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I don't recall that I said anything in my post that indicated that the AZGFD was perfect or had an entire staff that is prohunting, ant- wolf or anything else. My comment was a generalization regarding my own experiences with the department. The department has a wolf recovery program. Would you assign anti wolf people to that effort? I am not a fan of everything that the Commission or Department has ever done in the past but I respact their efforts to consider the opinion of every Arizonan.

Do I think that every single employee in the department has the best interest of hunters in mind? No. I'm a realist. I will anxiously await your report regarding the infiltration of the department by the anti-hunter crowd.

Can you identify another agency in this state that does not rely on the general fund to get their job done?


Geez George... If I were a betting man, I would say that it is Comm1 writing your responses. I have watched your posts and I would say that half the time it is Robbie doing the posting. If you want to believe that all is great from the Carefree towers, so be it. I will continue to think differently. I will hope that an agency that is over 90 million dollars will show us what is behind the curtains.

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I don't recall that I said anything in my post that indicated that the AZGFD was perfect or had an entire staff that is prohunting, ant- wolf or anything else. My comment was a generalization regarding my own experiences with the department. The department has a wolf recovery program. Would you assign anti wolf people to that effort? I am not a fan of everything that the Commission or Department has ever done in the past but I respact their efforts to consider the opinion of every Arizonan.

Do I think that every single employee in the department has the best interest of hunters in mind? No. I'm a realist. I will anxiously await your report regarding the infiltration of the department by the anti-hunter crowd.

Can you identify another agency in this state that does not rely on the general fund to get their job done?


Geez George... If I were a betting man, I would say that it is Comm1 writing your responses. I have watched your posts and I would say that half the time it is Robbie doing the posting. If you want to believe that all is great from the Carefree towers, so be it. I will continue to think differently. I will hope that an agency that is over 90 million dollars will show us what is behind the curtains.


Man.....and I am the one worried about helicopters and conspiracy, now there is a hidden curtain......wow, my trust getting stronger and stronger by the post.............I think I will just go adopt a trick tank or something.

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I don't recall that I said anything in my post that indicated that the AZGFD was perfect or had an entire staff that is prohunting, ant- wolf or anything else. My comment was a generalization regarding my own experiences with the department. The department has a wolf recovery program. Would you assign anti wolf people to that effort? I am not a fan of everything that the Commission or Department has ever done in the past but I respact their efforts to consider the opinion of every Arizonan.

Do I think that every single employee in the department has the best interest of hunters in mind? No. I'm a realist. I will anxiously await your report regarding the infiltration of the department by the anti-hunter crowd.

Can you identify another agency in this state that does not rely on the general fund to get their job done?


Geez George... If I were a betting man, I would say that it is Comm1 writing your responses. I have watched your posts and I would say that half the time it is Robbie doing the posting. If you want to believe that all is great from the Carefree towers, so be it. I will continue to think differently. I will hope that an agency that is over 90 million dollars will show us what is behind the curtains.


Man.....and I am the one worried about helicopters and conspiracy, now there is a hidden curtain......wow, my trust getting stronger and stronger by the post.............I think I will just go adopt a trick tank or something.



Now that is the best idea i have seen--the adopt a tank program is a good one and the WM's need all the help they can get and so do the critters that use them.

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The Arizona Elk Society and many other concerned groups have sent a letter to the responsible parties in response to the CBD letter outlining the proposed National Monument designation for the land north of the Grand Canyon.

Here is a link to our letter.

Alliance Letter


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How many groups have signed onto this letter? Has AAF, ADA, ADBSS, etc..????? I am curious because after the infighting etc.... I wonder where all the AZ orgs are at, have they at least banded together on this issue? This sure would be an easy step for some to make. Allen.............

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How many groups have signed onto this letter? Has AAF, ADA, ADBSS, etc..????? I am curious because after the infighting etc.... I wonder where all the AZ orgs are at, have they at least banded together on this issue? This sure would be an easy step for some to make. Allen.............


If you look at the bottom of the letter you will see who also signed on. There are 19 groups including the ADBSS. FYI

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