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2004 Hunt Recomendations

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I just received the hunt recomendations for this falls hunt in the mail. Almost all of the permit numbers for whitetail have remained the same as last year and some units got increases. Only the unit 32 November hunt lost 25 permits to be offered. Mule deer did take some hits on numbers in some units.//

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Did you mean hunt 'regulations'? I've been watching the AZ G&F website, but haven't seen the new regs posted yet.


It's that time of year that folks start thinking of hunt unit choices for next fall. I know I've been spending some time day dreaming lately.... :P I'm pondering a hike-in hunt this fall, if I can talk my hunting partners into it (and if get drawn...).


Going after turkeys in a few weeks. It will be nice to be out in the hills for a few days!





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How can I also get them in the mail?!?




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I didnt think they were out yet. I know we have a meeting with the game commission before they implement quotas for the Kaibab so I thought the regs were not out yet. If they are, I would want to get a copy............Allen......

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I'm sure that Diamondbackaz will answer for himself, but now that I think about it, he likely DID mean 'recommendations'. Must be a list out there for what next fall's proposals are. Makes sense that things are being finalized now, as the regs usually come out in late April to early May.


Sounds like the 2004 hunt numbers will closely mirror the 03 numbers....





Edited by stanley

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The hunt "recommendation" will go before the commission for approval before the "regulations" are published. Usually, there are not any major changes. The regs should be online after the commission meeting(1 week?) and are available in print in early May. You can ask G&F to be put on the mailing list to receive the recommendations.

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Yes, Red Rabbit is correct, the recomendations are what goes before the commision for approval to what will then become the regs. I don't expect any changes in the recomendations during the meeting, since the approval for the most part is a procedural thing. The way I received the recomendations in the mail is because I submmited a public comment during the public comment period. The recomendations include rebuttals to comments that were submitted. Only 6 hunts got an increase in permits. They are: unit32oct +25 (makes up for -25 for nov), unit22dec +50, unit23dec +75, unit24Adec +25, unit36Coct +50, and unit36Cnov +50. Thats a net increase in 250 permits from last year. There was someone out there putting in for the unit 32 mule deer hunt? Both unit 32 mule deer hunts lost 75 permits each for a loss of 150.

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