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A hunt to remember with my mom and brother

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A couple weeks ago I posted the hunt and story of my brother inlaws first coues deer hunt and how excited I was for him little did I know that it would be matched or beat a week later with my mom and brother on his first deer hunt. A little back round story first. My mom killed her first deer about 8 years ago and she was so excited she told me she wanted to do it again I did'nt know she ment 8 years later haha. And my brother has always loved the outdoors but during high school there was not much time for us to hunt becasue of school and sports I did my best to always get out but my brother was wrestling year round and after high school he moved to Colorado to wrestle college. Now that he has moved back I told him that I would help him get put in and take him hunting. So when the time came to put in I put both my mom and brother in on the same app. that way we could try to make it a little family trip. The results came out and I don't remember who called me first or who was more ecxited my mom or brother haha. I told them that I would do all the scouting for my mom lives in Bagdad "Arizona" and my brother would be recruiting because he is now a wrestling coach and Grand Canyon University. So the times comes for opening friday my brother can't make it because GCU is wrestling ASU so he'll be down saturaday night which gave me two days to find a deer for my mom. On the first morning i glassed up three doe's, mom was excited and watched them for about an hour and let me know every move they made. I continued glassing when I found horns sticking up out of some grass! When I told her I dad a buck in my glass she really got excited. I put her on it and told her I was'nt sure if it was a mule deer or a whitetail because I could only see his horns I knew it was a tall 2 on one side and a like about 12 inch spike on the other. She ask how do we tell what it is and i said we have to wait until in stands up so i can see him better. 45 minutes later he stands up and yup it was a............................................whitetail. The look on her face was hard to see. To say the least she was upset. Did'nt see anything else that moring or that eveing. Friday night my good friend Justin showed up to help for the weekend. Saturday morning turned up about 15 more does in an area i knew held decent bucks but from all the presure i knew from lots of hunters they moved. Now i knew where these bucks were but had to wait for my brother to get there with the ranger so that we could get to them. So saturday eveing we moved spots hoping to find a buck for my mom. We moved about 15 miles from our first spot. when we got settled in Justin says i got a deer but wasnt sure what it was because he was behind a bush. I located the deer right before he moved over a mountain and i knew i seen horns so we decided to get back to the truck and drive around and get a better look. Once we got there and sat down once agian Justin says i got him i call my mom over and she says is it a whitetail or muley my look said it all she did't even want to look at him. But boy did me and Justin want to what a great looking 3 point with great potential he had to be a good coues in a year or so already being around the 100 inch mark. Justin watch him until he moved on. I sat down next to mom and told her don't worry we will find a deer for her. I knew she was upset so i glassed harder checking every tree and bush. My next words were " I got a deer". While trying to put Justin on it I lost it but he picked the deer up and said ITS A BUCK!!! Mom gave me the look but this time my look was different and she knew the game was on. The deer was about a mile or more away she asked me and Justin what are we going to do? Are reply was LETS GO! so off we went. Now im about 6 foot 6 inches with long legs and my mom keep up with me the hole way and believe me was was'nt moving slow. Once we got to a spot we started glassing again and me and Justing both found the deer and the same time. The bad thing was we were 758 yards away and on a down slope. We had to be elevated because we would't be able to see him if we were low. So we did our best to kick out a some what flat spot for mom to lay prone for a good rest for a long shot. after about 15 minutes of settting mom up and her finding the deer in the scope the sun had moved down and was in her eyes which made it hard for her to see the deer. The sun moved down behind a distant mountain with about an hour of light left. She relocated the deer now being able to see much better and was ready to go. I asked if she was steady and if she was ready? Yup is what i got. Shot when your ready. . . . . . . . . . . . . . BANG. . . . . . . . . you missed put another one in. Now she missed over his back my no less than an inch which you'll see form the video. She got back on the deer I dialed down the turet one M.O.A and said go when your ready BANG. . . . . . . . . . HE IS HIT! HE IS HIT! Are yo sure she says! Yes and he is already down mom you made a perfect shot! She did make a perfect shot, double lunged her mule deer at 758 yards. The next five minutes were filled with hungs and tears she was so excited even i got a little choked up. We made our way to the deer and found him no less than 10 yards from where she shot him. After many photos we got the deer cleaned up out. She could't stop talking about what had just happened. Good job mom i am so proud of you. We got on the horn to my brother and told him what had happened and he was in disbelief. But she had to witnesses to prove it. My brother meet up with us late that night and we made a plan to go check a spot where i knew bucks would be due to the pressure there was the first two mornings. Mom wanted to me there but had to take her deer to the processer. She might regret that now haha. So now its me my brother who has the tag my other brother who came along for help and my friend Justin. Once parked the ranger my brother matt and justin stop to glass a little ridge while me and My brother Larry " the tag holder" moved up the mountian to glass the hole mountain. As soon as i set my binos on the tripod and focused them a had a deer and a buck and a decent on at that. I told Larry run back and get Matt and Justin for they had the range finder. He found my other brother Matt but Justin was not around. I believed I called him on his phone around 15 times in 2 minutes haha. He called back and said HEY I GOT A DEER. Me to i said get over here. He told me of his buck and i told him of my buck. What to do.... So the plan was made to meet up on a ridge and go after the deer i glassed up and if it did't pan out we would go after the other deer. Once we made it to the desired rigde i ringed the deer and 660 yards. This time we had a nice flat spot to set up for Larry to make a good shot. The next minute or so was tense because the deer was feeding directly away from us. He was about two steps from going over a ridge never to be seen agian. He decided that a bush to the left of him looked pretty tasty and turned broadside to take a bite. Larry was on him the hole time and was ready to go. i double checked if he was on him. "Yeah im good he says". Justin says ok take him when your ready. Oh he was ready and shot right when the camera stated rolling. BOOM......I knew he was hit and hit hard you'll see in the video. He reloaded just in case as I talked to Larry letting him know where he was moving. HE'S DONE i said he went down. Larry could't belive it he wanted to see for himself he looked and began hunging and high fiving and fist bumping all of us. He made an exellent shot center punched the heart and i mean directly in the center of the heart.WOW i could'nt belive it. As we made our way over to the deer Larry matched me step for step when we got close i let him take the lead to put his hands on his first deer of his first deer tag. He was so happy once agian i got a little chocked up but did'nt let any of the guys see ofcourse. We made the pack out and called mom to tell her the good news. She was sad she was'nt there but very very happy for him. A huge CONGRATS to both my mom and brother on there deer. I could't imangine a better way to end my hunting season. and thanks Justin for being there and helping thats what friends are for i owe ya one. Sorry for the long read and thanks for reading.



the smaller picture is my favorite not sure why it is so small though







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