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I had a friend who recently purchased some Docter bino's from an online store called "Hot buy electronics.com". When he placed his order he wanted the 15x60 docter. When he recieved them they looked similar to my docters but had not emblems on them and said made in Japan, well we all know Docters are made in Germany and mine have the docter emblems and made in Germany labels. He called the online store and they told him that if he wanted the real docters from Germany it would be an aditional seems to be 300.00 dollars. Well the online advertisement shows the pic's of the real one for 589.00 and thats what he originally paid only to get imitations. Anyways they also told him they no longer carry the Germany made ones and they would not refund his money but he could spend it with them for the amount of the original purchase which was the 589.00. He had to purchase something he didn't want and still hasn't recieved his product. BECAREFUL WITH THESE CLOWNS.

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That seems like fraudulent advertising to me, I would send them a letter from your lawyer. They demonstrated online that the binos were the real thing for the price he paid, as long as there was no disclaimer they are obligated by law to provide what they advertised and what your buddy paid for. If you dont want to have a lawyer write them a letter advising them of fraud then call them and threaten them with it and also report them to the better business bureau. If you can find out what state they are based in you can also file a complaint with the state business bureau as well as let the attorney general know about it, may seem like extreme measures, but how many people have they pulled that crap on?! Anyway your buddy should be able to get a full refund, he should also report it to his credit card company as fraud. That will get the companies attention. Friggin Jerks. AG

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Your absolutely right, beware of on-line stores. There is a lesson to be learned here, if the deal seems too good, then it is probably too good. Like Diamondbackaz said hotbuy is a grey market dealer. I called them and asked about their products and to their credit when I asked about warranty they said to get the USA warranty the price will be higher, they even state this on their website.


Many of the optics companies dictate the price...that is why you always see Swaro's at the same minimum price. Now some companies may sweeten the deal by throwing in items like cleaning kits or tripod adapters etc but the price will still be the same.


I feel bad for your friend, hopefully he do something with the item he did not want.



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There is a lesson to be learned here, if the deal seems too good, then it is probably too good.



No truer words were ever written. Nobody offers a $5.00 bill for $4.00 unless there is something wrong.


Before you buy from anyone you should find out if they are an authorized dealer. If they are not, as that seller wasn't, then that should let you know that you are rolling the dice on what you are getting. Possibly new, refurb, Grey Market or straight up used item. Keep in mind, even if you do luck out and get a new USA warranty from a non-authorized dealer, when you register the warranty with the receipt from that non-authorized dealer the mfg. may not honor the warranty.


A great deal is buying from a legit authorized dealer, that will be there to offer guidance, service, a fair price and if & when needed warranty assistance.

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There is a lesson to be learned here, if the deal seems too good, then it is probably too good.



No truer words were ever written. Nobody offers a $5.00 bill for $4.00 unless there is something wrong.


Before you buy from anyone you should find out if they are an authorized dealer. If they are not, as that seller wasn't, then that should let you know that you are rolling the dice on what you are getting. Possibly new, refurb, Grey Market or straight up used item. Keep in mind, even if you do luck out and get a new USA warranty from a non-authorized dealer, when you register the warranty with the receipt from that non-authorized dealer the mfg. may not honor the warranty.


A great deal is buying from a legit authorized dealer, that will be there to offer guidance, service, a fair price and if & when needed warranty assistance.



Well said Doug!

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I had a shaddy experience with thouse guys. I didn't get burned but they tried to hit me up for an extra $50 on an order I already placed.


I fell bad for your buddy. He should really do something about it! Just think about how much money they make off of customers who don't want to deal with the BS.







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