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Going out in the a.m.

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I still think they're awesome... Vanilla or chocolate chip makes no difference to me, they're cool either way!

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What a thrill! Only imagine the rush if a lion or bear was that close to you while calling...that's why we do it!

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Wow! Great story. You need an AR for stuff like that. Glad it didn't maul you!

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/>Wow! Great story. You need an AR for stuff like that. Glad it didn't maul you!

"You don't need an AR, buy a shotgun" - Joe Biden


You just never know when 30 cats are going to advance on your position with ill-intent.

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Holy crap scooter... that's crazy. congrats on a nice cat. I know first hand what you went through. I had something similar happen except with a lion.... I've never told the story on here before but I wasn't pred calling, I was just sitting and glassing for deer in the open on a knob and turned around and a lion was right behind me just staring... scariest thing that has ever happened to me. I completely flipped out, grabbed my rifle, it ran off down the hill. Had I had 2 more seconds I would've gotten a shot off. so close. This lion was darn near breathing down my neck when I turned around... he was just curious.

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That was a tough cat! Glad to hear you connected on it. Great looking cat you got there.

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Thanks guys! Now I just have to decide on a taxidermist.

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Very nice, and I didn't need slippers from my trailer up in unit 8. It was beautiful. Rained pretty bad on Saturday so enjoyed coffee with the family and friends. Sunday wonderful and cloudy, chased some little velvets but couldn't get close. Monday the sun came out and was pretty warm. now we are back...miss it already.


Nice cat, I had one come in close a few years back from my blind, before I could knock an arrow he was gone like a ghost. I never heard that bugger, spooky.



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