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Quick help on regs

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I've always followed and heard that if its a maintained road, and has a fence, you have to cross the fence first. If no fence, get off the shoulder.

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Even if the grass is 2foot high most paved roads get mowed once a year, at least5 or so feet from the pavement. Some dirt graded roads get the same treatment. To save the hassle... If you happen to have a monster off the road that you can't pass up. Drive up the road aways then sneak off the road, shoulder, past the fence, whatever.. And get a guaranteed legal shot. Quite a few years ago they had a motronic decoy set up on the mule creek road about 80 yards off the highway. I stopped and got off the road more than legal distance and snuck to about 50 yards. Before I could shoot people started jumping out of the bushes and scared the crap out of me!!! They set it up for poachers and since I actually did it the right way I would have shot the fake deer in a direct line of where they were hiding!! I was pissed because they were completely ignorant and unsafe about the set up they had.

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