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About Sneaker

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  1. Sneaker

    Drew my 2ND choice

    You took my tag! Congrats and hope it is an awesome experience.
  2. It is quite sad and unbelievable that it is completely legal to scout with a plane or a drone 3 days before a hunt(if there is no other big game hunt going on at that time) but it is NEVER ok to scout using a low tech $20 tasco walmart trail camera any more, but that’s where we are. 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😭😭😭😭😭😢😢😭😭😭😭😭😢😢😢😢
  3. If you are not hunting and will not use any of the information for your or others hunting, then it is allowed. Just as a non-hunter is allowed to fly airplanes or drones or run trail cameras to view wildlife year round, so are we. You just can't hunt in connection with any of the info gleaned. If its a place that if you saw a 200" buck in July that you would want to come back and hunt on OTC in August, ya better not do it to start with.
  4. Sneaker

    More G&F Website problems

    I had the same SSN error thing keep happening across all the many apps for the fam that I do, just had to enter it twice every time.
  5. Sneaker


    It’s in their second bullet point on all their stuff. It actually reads “insignificant impact”, so I should tone it down with that wording criticism lol.
  6. Sneaker


    I think they are planning to do a spring and a fall round now. Last two years has been in August application with winter hunts, I think with 12 tags? These are 6 new hunts and tags. A friend drew a coues tag last year. They went guided and had a bad experience. Makes you wonder how far this can go, how many tags can they auction each year down the road 20? 50? 100? I do have a problem with them saying these hunts have no population impact. It’s low, but not zero. If 1 tag has zero impact then 150 tags has zero impact, see how that math works? They haven’t done a strip tag yet but I’m sure they will eventually or at least they are tempted to, but maybe will stay away from that because of the lower tags offered there.
  7. Was a real red liner of a hike but was well rewarded. Had to leave one back there that I’ll have to go back for some time. Side note, I really wish this forum program was better at uploading pictures. Only half of them ever upload and the ones that do are rotated wrong. I don’t have that problem on other forums.
  8. Sneaker

    Hunters Safety Field Day?

    I’m in the same boat with two kids. I’ve been in contact with game and fish and they just say, sorry, watch the online portal. I did a public record request, there are 7,500 people who have passed the online that need a field day, all that are expiring by this summer’s extended deadline. There have been only 118 total seats offered or scheduled for online field days so far this year! The numbers don’t work and the department just says, well, most of our instructors never came back after Covid… but that’s not a solution, that’s just a problem. The department either needs to start managing and offering mass field days themselves, or do away with it like a bunch of other states.
  9. Sneaker

    Credit Card hit thread

  10. Sneaker

    Auction tag

    This was a 2023 auction buck from Utah, 45” wide, 276” in velvet. The auction prices last night were $575k for the AZ Statewide, $375k for Antelope Island, $340k for the UT statewide.
  11. Sneaker

    2024 Bucks

    These were our best 3 bucks this year for 5 hunters, had a lot of fun, a lot of rutting action, a lot of deer, and a lot of tortillas:
  12. Sneaker

    Mexico dead head

    The ranchers where we were this year found two nice bucks, maybe 105 and a 110 type buck, dead, locked antlers together. They found them in the summer, looked like they had died rut of 2023. I would have loved to have been able to get those back home. Thought about how I could make that happen like the whole week but the only way was to smuggle them or clean them up all the way and put two tags on them, so they are still there in the yard... So cool though. The antlers go together like a puzzle, it was pretty mindblowing how they would not come apart even though they looked like they should easily disconnect at any moment. If you yanked real good on them you could have got them apart pretty easy I think, but that would be dumb Both a little broke and both had a couple extras.
  13. Sneaker

    Border Crossing

    We didn’t bring capes back, but the USDA guy working the Nogales border last week was a real jerk. Bossing us around all over the place. Was threatening us and acting like we were cape smugglers and going on and on about losing our vehicle if he found a cape we were hiding. I definitely got the impression he would have been very very strict about ticks if we had one to declare…
  14. Sneaker

    2023-24 archery deer tracking

    Guys have really whacked them up in my neck of the woods this year apparently, 15s are closed and 16a is almost closed, neither of them even shut down last year through Jan I'm pretty sure. I'm assuming sitting water was pretty deadly with how dry were were up until yesterday.