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Bighorn wish

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It states multi unit area. But it applies in general to the special treatment USFS gives to the ranch industry. A little off subject yes.


Ranching uses are specifically protected under the Federal Land Policy Management Act, which govern the use of the national forests. Don't forget that the forest service is a branch of the USDA. Hunting and fishing are not specifically protected uses on national forest lands. They almost were, but the Sportsmans bill got shot down a few months ago because Ted Cruz and some of the other congressional extremists got greedy and tried to amend the heck out of it to satisfy their political agendas.


Also, from what I recall from my training on federal land use, it's perfectly legal for the service or BLM to allow the continued use of grazing rights in areas that have since been designated wilderness (which, practically speaking, is all wilderness area because grazing was going on pretty much everywhere long before anyone even thought of designating wilderness).

Thanks for the info. We should start a petition to gain equal access rights.

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My first experience with az wilderness consisted of crazy dirt back roads then confusion private land easement access and no less than 4 gates within 1 mile followed by many many cows and some very unsightly cow living areas. I was bummed as I expected untouched unspoiled wilderness. I could have built a small cabin from all the patties left behind. I agree the sycamore canyon area is perfect for sheep's. heck I think the Bradshaws should hold sheep too. Maybe its more of a money issue. Dump the wolves and fund the sheep's I say

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Lets fix the Sheep issue in Tucson first. Whats the latest down there. Are lions under control or still killing the transplanted Bighorn. I havn't heard anything on here about it in a while. There are enough hunters in Az. if they would get together and hunt the chit out out of an area, We could dent the Lion population in that area. Between disease and Lions, I don't know how any of em live. Thanks to the ADBSS. We have as many as we do. But I think We should have more if more would get involved........BOB!

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I guess there are more people that run hounds in Northern Arizona than down south, I don't spend time down south so I could be wrong. I can't go anywhere up here without seeing a truck with kennels. Even if I'm just going to Walmart. From what I hear the sheep in 6a are doing very well compared what seams like a near kill off from predation in the southern units. And the herd in 10/9 is on the small side, but they are not being killed off maby the lions having more food choices up north helps the bighorn survival rates up north. I guess they don't run domestic sheep in 10 anymore or the bighorn don't migrate south enough to come in contact with them.

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