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Fur handling

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I hate to jump on someone else's post but i am curious what the best way is to learn how to care for the hides. I haven't doe much varmint calling in the last few years but have a few spot up on the rim where I have had a good number of Bobcats on camera and a badger den that was dug fresh this year.


Weeding through the junk on you tube is a challenge so any advice would be welcome.

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Hyper how big of a difference does it make in prices between selling in beginning of season and end season

Not sure exactly what you mean by selling at the beginning of the season. Do you mean contacting a fur buyer and meeting him in December to sell him your fur as opposed to waiting until an Auction in Feb or March?


Big difference if that's what you mean. A fur buyer is in it to make himself money. Don't let anyone tell you differently. It's their business. If you are selling your fur to a buyer that has nobody competing against him and he knows you need the money, you will get less for your fur. I'd say 1/3 to 1/2 less. By putting your fur in a organized fur sale you force the fur buyers into a situation where they have competition on the bidding of your fur. Buyer A wants your 4 pelts. Buyer B wants them also. Buyer B knows buyer A wants them bad so he forces buyer A bids on other fur before before your lot in hopes he doesn't have enough cash later on in the sale. The buyers are all playing money and head game with each other to come out making money. Most buyers have tens of thousand of dollars to spend at a fur sale. Some even over 100K. A typical fur sale is moving $300,000-500,000 in money believe it or not.


Now everyone understands that people need money at certain times. Some guys don't or can't wait until Feb or March as they need money now for a reason (Christmas!). Expect to take a hit in the pocketbook but hey, something is better than nothing. I always hear about guys complaining about the prices they get by selling early but that's the downside of needing money in hand quick.


I know a local buyer who will buy fur whenever you want to sell it. Dennis Kubish from Globe Hide and Fur. He will meet you and treat you fairly.


FYI- the market is slated to drop 10% or so they're predicting.


ATA Fur Sale photos





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I hate to jump on someone else's post but i am curious what the best way is to learn how to care for the hides. I haven't doe much varmint calling in the last few years but have a few spot up on the rim where I have had a good number of Bobcats on camera and a badger den that was dug fresh this year.


Weeding through the junk on you tube is a challenge so any advice would be welcome.


That's all tall order. Each type of animal needs to be put up slightly different. I'd say go to Trapperman.com and look on the forums and try to gather information. Bobcats are needing to be stretched Nevada style.


Be more specific and I could try to explain stuff.

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Try to make it to the trappers convention in globe.They have a lot of people that are eager to help you.It is normaly in mid summer.Hyperwrx's might now when it is.

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The Arizona Trappers Association webpage is not operational right now. I went there to find the convention date. I'll contact the president and get the info.

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