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Bonus point needed to draw?

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Being a non-resident it is obvious I'll probably need bonus points to draw a coues tag in most units in AZ. Is there a way to see what the current maximum points are for a given area? I've tried to find it on on AZG&F website without luck. Can someone point me in the right direction?





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Our system is a lottery so you will still have a chance to draw a tag. I believe that only 20% of the tags are given out to those with maximum points so that leaves 80% of them to those of us who like to gambel. Supposedly the more points you have the better your odds but I am not completely convinced that it's true. Seems that more people get drawn with little to no points while there are plenty out there that go at least a decade between draws.


But do remember that a maximum of 10% of those tags can be awarded to NR's no matter how many BP's you have.

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Thanks for your reply. I know all about the 10% cap. My point is that I don't apply for a unit that is all that highly regarded for its coues hunting judging by the fact that it has been pretty easy to draw a tag prior to the cap being put in place. I didn't draw last year so I was just curious how many points it would take to be in the max pool for this particular hunt. The way I understand it, if 450 tags are available up to 45 go to non-residents. If there are 45 or more non-residents with max points applying for these tags all of non-resident tags will be allocated in the max point drawing. At least that's the way I understand it. I doubt it would take very many points in this particular unit to be in the max pool.


Thanks again,



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kevin- That information is not fully available yet since the g$f have been changing so much the last couple of years and that info is always one year behind the times.


My educated guess however is that the situation in which nr can only draw with max points does not apply to most coues hunts like it does to bull elk and strip tags. Within the next couple of years it probably will apply to all dec. coues hunts. but i doubt it ever will in early hunts.


The g$f sells this information in a report for $75 but I don't believe the most current edition is available yet

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Isn't it 10% for all units combined and not on a per unit basis, I am just guessing, but I thought I read that somewhere.


Also as for the draw the way it was explained to me is that for every bonus point you have you get another ping pong ball in the hopper sort of, so if you have ten points you have ten chances and if you only have one point you have one chance, they throw them in and draw, if the one gets drawn he gets the tag.

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kgaines- for deer they are suppose to do it by hunt #, for sheep and maybe lope they set the cap by species since a lot of these hunts have less than ten tags and would be hard to split up 10% of less than 10 tags.


Otherwise you are pretty much correct on how they do the drawing except that if someone had 10 pts then they would have 11 "balls in the hopper" and if someone had if you had 0 pts you would have 1 "ball in the hopper"


I believe what kevin and the rest of the non res. is worried about is the fact that before they do the regular draw they draw 20% of the tags for those with the most bonus points, and if all of the 10% non res. cap is filled during that drawing it is impossible for a non res without max bonus pts to draw a tag.


I also think that they g$f will change this system in the next couple of years as they have already admitted that they didn't forsee this situation when they made these rules. :)

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Missedagain, your handle is a misnomer! Your second response is exactly my point. Thanks for the info guys, its appreciated.



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You can get the bonus point analysis from G&F for $25, which covers the number of applicants in each bonus point group for each individual hunt number, and their draw rates. From 2006 hunt apps, the max # BP of applicants for 36b,c was 7, for 33 was 7, 34A was 8, for the dec hunts. For Oct and Nov hunts, the max bp were less.



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Unless things have changed I think the 10% nonresident deer tag limit is only for units north of the colorado river.

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Doug, thanks I'll contact them.


Jeffd- I'm pretty sure it is statewide? Can someone clear this up?



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It (the 10% deal) used to be for only the primo muley hunts. Now it is for all deer hunts.


I doubt if it even comes into play for the Oct/Nov WT hunts. Maybe some of the Dec hunts that only offer 50 tags hit the 10% quota though.


You can call the Phoenix G&F office and ask about it. It's public info, they have to tell you. Or for $25 you can order a print out of the bonus point breakdown from last years draw.

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They changed it after the uso deal I think.

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