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Red Rabbit

Moisture in 36C?

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Does anyone know how much rain the Babos/36C got this past winter and spring? I am under the impression that central AZ benefitted more than the southern part of the state, but don't know how it compares with "average" rainfall (whatever that is these days).


Doug/ Red Rabbit

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I really don't know how much moisture the unit got but I was there in March and most of the water tanks had water in them including one creek on the south end of the unit. Incidently we saw a lot of Coues deer. I was going to put for this unit but the illegal aliens are a hastle to deal with especially when they venture into your camp while you are out hunting.

Arizona Griz.

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I know that units 34a, 33, 36a and 36b all got more moisture than they had last year at this time and they all looked good compared to last year. I haven't been to 36c lately but I would assume since these others all got rain then it did as well.


Bret M.

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AZ Griz-

In 5 hunts in 36c, I have not had any problems with illegals. I have usually camped by the entrance to the Elkhorn Ranch. Have you had any personal "experiences"?

Doug/Red Rabbit

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The area with the problem is on the south end of the unit about 5 miles north of the border and south of Kings Ranch. There is one main road that runs north and south and it IS heavely used by the illegals. There is trash everwhere. We spotted a group in March out in the flats while Javelina hunting and talked to one hunter who had them in his camp. We actually camped on the Buenos Aires Wildlife area. I would imagine most of the illegals would have disperesed before reaching Elkhorn Ranch. Again, I will say that we saw a lot of deer on the south end.

Arizona Griz.

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