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Can't wait to chase some quail!

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No shotgun? No problem. Here's how to hunt with a dog in Pakistan...


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Great dog. Love watching dogs work and I know they love doing it.

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That is a well-trained pointer, but he takes an interesting stance when those guys get close with the nets! What tiny little birds too. Wouldn't it be nice if gamel's held that well?

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That is a well-trained pointer, but he takes an interesting stance when those guys get close with the nets! What tiny little birds too. Wouldn't it be nice if gamel's held that well?

Gambles and Scalies will hold like that if you can break up the covey. Temperature, cover, and pressure are also a factor.

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No shotgun? No problem. Here's how to hunt with a dog in Pakistan...


That was great! That is much energy expelled for a tiny little bird. :)

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We tried a new spot and had another epic afternoon. I got my limit in 35 minutes with my 28 gauge Beretta. At one point I hit 6 in a row. Birds everywhere! I got 10 Eurasians after getting my limit. My brother in law had a tough time tonight. He got 12 & 3 Eurasians.

That gun laying in dirt is like fingernails on chalk board my friend! 😩

I hiked 1 mile yesterday and the dog did 3. On this short hike we saw 25-30 gambles quail. All the birds were strong flyers.(Didn't see any chicks) This is going to be a great year. Last year on my September hikes I was lucky to see 10 birds on these short hikes.

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