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Unit 10 Late Archery Cow

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Well I just got back from a weekend of hunting unit 10 with a buddy who had a late archery cow tag. This was my first time hunting in unit 10, so it was a bit of a learning experience. We got up there Thursday evening and headed out to the hills. It was muddy. Thursday I glassed up a total of 13 deer, but no elk. Friday morning at first light we glassed up a herd of elk at just under 1 mile out. There were a total of 2 bulls and 8 cows, which was perfect. We put together a plan and hiked in to them. We got to about 130 yards from where we expected them to be and sure enough they were right there feeding in the open. They were on the edge of some thick cover and working towards it. We decided we would loop out in front of them, and wait for them to pass in the cover. Bad idea. We looped a bit too far and they went behind us. We searched for them the rest of the day, glassing, following their trail, but to no avail.


Saturday morning I woke up with a gnarly stomach bug and was down for the count. I was bed ridden for the rest of the weekend and that was the end of the trip for me.


In total I glassed up over 50 deer on Friday, which I found funny as I've heard a lot of people say that unit 10 doesn't have very many deer. One herd I glassed up was 13 deer with at least 5 bucks. Interesting.


Thanks to everyone who helped me out with some pointers on this one, it was much appreciated.

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That was my first response! "15 deer" What??? Sorry about the stomach bug

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I spotted only 2 deer on the opening morning of the recently concluded muzzleloader bull elk hunt while on the Boquillas Ranch. I have spotted a couple outsized bucks while hunting on the ranch in the pass, both were magazine cover quality and in some gross country. I have actually seen more deer off the ranch than on, probably just circumstances of that particular time and day. Good luck to all still afield.

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