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"Thank You!" from Hunts for Heroes, and an Invitation ...

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So here we are, already into the 2nd month of the new year. Wow, how the clock keeps ticking! As I'm one of the main coordinators within the Hunts for Heroes program of the Arizona Elk Society, I really want to thank ALL of you CWTers who gave up your time and energy to help out on several of the hunts AES sponsored since last summer through Arizona G&F's Tag Transfer program. And I'd especially like to publicly thank Amanda for her generous support of Hunts for Heroes here on the CWT forum!


We had successful antelope, elk, and deer hunts. Several of you were lead volunteers on November hunts (at one time we had about 20 vets hunting elk across Arizona). And we had volunteers from Tucson, Casa Grande, Florence, the Phoenix Valley, and especially Superior all come together on very short notice to help bring about an UNBELIEVABLE desert sheep hunt between Christmas and New Year's!


Most of the archery javelina hunts are already behind you guys. However, other pig (and turkey) hunts hover on the horizon. And that means there will be opportunity for you to get involved!


The immediate need is for help on a HAM (handgun/archery/muzzle loader) javelina hunt in Unit 36A --- this hunt will be happening the 2nd weekend of the hunt (arriving in camp Thursday eve Feb. 16, or on Friday eve as available). The donor of the 36A HAM tag (a CWT member) will be assisting on that pig hunt. We could use a couple more volunteers to help him. Camp location and cooking arrangements have already been established.


Hunts for Heroes has been graced with a couple of individuals who are improving the program's efficiency by means of a re-designed data base for guides/outfitters, volunteers, and disabled veterans. Volunteers (you in the hunting fraternity) are the program's backbone! We anticipate providing more than 60 hunts (for varied species) during the coming year.


You don't have to be an official “guide” to get on board. There are a variety of ways you might contribute: from setting up/tearing down camp, cooking & camp chores (firewood, etc.), or in-the-field assisting hunter's mobility, glassing/scouting, “guiding” veterans to game, field dressing/packing out animal.


We already have additional donated tags for spring hunts where we'll need volunteers:


Javelina tags for Units 19A (4 each) and 20B (1 each) the end of this month (February)


Turkey tags (1 each) for Units 4A /4B (combined) and 6A, and 27 (2 tags) for most of the month of May


The letters of appreciation Hunts for Heroes has received from participating vets reaffirms our mission: “Healing through Hunting.” The program has been more successful than we could have hoped for, and is poised for growth.


You can contact me (Tom Wagner) directly at (480)760-3868 if you'd like to help reach out to Arizona's disabled veterans (for the hunts specifically mentioned here, or for future participation). Additional info can be seen at www.arizonaelksociety.org and scrolling down to the Hunts for Heroes button (letters from veterans are posted there).


Again, Arizona's disabled vets and the Hunts for Heroes team thank you!

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Great program they have here. Took a first time hunter out last fall for a morning last fall. Really cool to see how quickly they learn to love this sport and be able to guide them in the right way to be successful on future hunts. My hunter was really into being out there and learn plus it got me out looking for elk on a morning I would have otherwise been staying home. I would encourage anyone who could spare any amount of time to help out. I was only available for half a day but that half day allowed my hunter to get out here and give it another try after being unsuccessful the first day of the hunt.

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Mike, thanks again for helping out on the elk hunt! Look forward to your getting out there again on future hunts. Good luck on the draw!

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One of the vets I took elk hunting has become a close family friend. And although he lives 4 hours away, he's brought his family over for camping, fishing, horseback riding and enjoying the Superbowl. He's of Italian descent and we love how he takes over the kitchen on his visits.post-11051-0-25326600-1486642496_thumb.jpgpost-11051-0-23231600-1486642951_thumb.jpeg


Was a great chance to give back to some great guys.


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Thanks again, Tim, for everything you did in making the elk hunt such a success! You really made a difference in a vet's life, amigo!

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This is a fantastic organization to get involved with. I was lucky to take a small part in the sheep hunt in December. I can honestly say it was one of the most satisfying days of my life. I'm looking forward to taking part on more hunts this year. Great job Tom!!!!!

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Adam, there's bound to be a variety of tags donated throughout the coming year. Looking forward to your continued participation in the program!

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