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I do not know if you have kids or not.But I am willing to bet that if you had a kid that some gay person approched and tried to change there way of life,then you might think IT IS A BIG DEAL.There are both male and females that are born with high or low testosterone.But it is still there choice whether they want to be homosexual or not.We all know of feminime guys that are married and have kids.Or vise versa with women.It usually depends on how stable the home is whether a kid makes the choice or not.The acceptance of homosexual behavior in my opinion is a sign of bad times ahead. The citys of Sadom and Gamora come to mind (spelling ?) OK I will get off my soapbox now.



I have issues when anybody pushing there views on my kids.... Gay or Straight... Feminine guys end up being Rep. Governors or Rep Senators then surprising everybody when they come out... :)


It seems that alot of people think that Gays are very predatory. I think that predatory attitude is prevalent with both lifestyles. Look at how many female school teachers have been busted banging you boys...



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I guess that is the big divide in the entire issue... Personally, I don't think it is a choice. Some people are just Gay.... BIG DEAL...




At the end of the day, I really don't care what people do in their bedrooms, as long as they don't break any laws. heck, if I could swing it, I'd be crawling between the sheets with 2 or 3 asian gals varying in age from 18-23, but that's just me. Possibly a brazilian thrown in once or twice a month.


What bothers me is that these people choose to live an unnatural lifestyle & not only boisterously proclaim it, thus forcing the rest of us to deal with it, but expect the entire population to look the other way & say, "It's what they like so that makes it okay."


To qualify my point of view, when I say unnatural, that is based on science, not religion or morality. I'm not a religious person, so I won't even broach the morality issue, but based soley on science I have to ask, show me one other mamilian species that also uses this practice? There isn't one. Period. As stated earlier, if there was, natural selection would have longs since eliminated those few from the population.





not to mention bearded hens, does with horns, and that freaky bull we used to call "broken d@@K"


anyway.... I could care less who people end up with....


From a financial point it is alot cheaper to give these people primary care than urgent care.



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I've never been big in political discusions but as I have gotten older I'm getting more and more involved. I just got an e-mail from someone at the UofA saying that the school is not even advertising for an empty faculty position left by Paul Krausman. Dr. Krausman was the mamalogy instructor and was the mediator between the school of renewable resources at the U of A and the G&F. They are not even advertising for the position, a pretty importent one, because of the looming budget cuts due to the states budget deficit. All this after the U of A just raised their tuition? Paying as much as you do to get a "top notch" education I expect to be instructed by more then just grad. students who are filling the whole for now. And to hear that all the money is going to go to this health care benifits to same sex partners is a joke. I HATE politics!

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Taking behaviors that animals use to demonstrate both dominance & submission & turning that into homosexual animals is ridiculous. I've got two male dogs that routinely try to hump anything that'll sit still, that doesn't make them gay. It makes them dogs establishing a pecking order. And if you read that article, you'll notice that the only "sources" quoted were people direclty associated with the exhibit. This is another example of a couple of people that are either a.) gay or b.) sympathetic to gays and grasping for anything that looks viable to support their cause. As I said, there is only one species of mamal that exhibits true homosexual lifestyle, and that's people.

Matt S.

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Don’t even get me going on this topic!! A few years ago, the children’s network Nickelodeon, ran a program during kids prime time called “My Family is Different”. It was about a kid that had a couple of homosexuals for parents, and it was "OK". Not only are they ramming it down our throats, they are ramming it into our kids too, trying to “educate” them that this crap is normal and acceptable. I refuse to let my kids grow thinking that this is normal and acceptable. I refuse to refer to these people as “gay”. The term “gay” is what they want to be called and is promoted by the homosexual agenda to make their unnatural deviant behavior seem more “friendly” and “happy”. Gay means happy, and it should not be equated to immoral homosexual acts. If the trend continues, eventually, the term homosexual will be regarded as socially unacceptable as the “N” word.



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Candidates Split on Pro-Gay Book for 2nd Graders

By Pete Winn

CNSNews.com Senior Staff Writer

November 29, 2007


(CNSNews.com) - Presidential candidates are split on whether a controversial children's book that promotes or endorses same-sex marriage should be read to second graders.


Republican hopefuls Fred Thompson and Mitt Romney don't think the book, entitled "King and King," should be read to children, but Democrats John Edwards, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton give it a qualified "thumbs up."




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face it... your dogs are gay....





Okay, I'll give it to you that you might be right about the big one.

The little one is just over powered, he doesn't have a chance, the poor guy. :blink:

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Gotta tell ya since I started this thread that Janet also is honoring opposite sex domestic partners of state employees. Just found out. She pulled a quick one though, did it by executive order and bypassed the legislature - the representitives of we the people. She knows what shes doing - I never said she was dumb, just different.

It's just camoflauge, and further degradation of the institution of marraige.

I never used to care about what people did privately either, but then again I was a drunk and didn't care about a whole lot of things. Now that my life has been changed, I am more aware of what's going on around me and how bad behavior can affect all of us.

I'm glad a lot of people jumped in on this string. This kinda stuff needs to be discussed, and not ignored. Should it be discussed on a deer hunting forum? I think so, because we need to know who our governor is and what she is capable of.

Call 'em what you want; secular progressives, liberals, whatever. I see them as people that ignore God, think human life is expendable when its inconvenient (babies, old people, sick people), and think animals are more important than humans. by ignoring Godly principles they can now make up their own rules about life, sex, and morals.

Tolerance used to mean we could agree to disagree, and still be respectful of each other. Now it seems to mean that if you don't agree with a secular progressive, and have the nearve to say so, you are a hate monger and a danger to society.

Our Game Commissioner is retiring, were gonna have the lead bullet issue crammed down our throats, anti-hunters are being imboldened, and we have a governor that doesn't want problem lions shot, appears on the cover of Echo Magazine (gay), and now has by executive order allowed health benefits to the highest health risk population at our expense.

Yep folks, this is kinda important.

I voted for Munsil.


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Next up is universal health care and you will not have a choice as to whether to participate or not. You will be enrolled, against your will, and the cost automatically deducted from your wages. That way, they can get tax payers to pay for drug/alchohol treatments, abortions (oh, I'm sorry. I meant reproductive health), AIDS/HIV treatment, etc.

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The way that I've always viewed this forum is that it's for hunters, but doesn't necessarily always have to be about hunting. I'm glad to hear what other sportsman think about these kind of issues. Is it just me, or does it seem like sportsman have somewhat of a more down to Earth point of view on these things, where as those city people who don't hunt or fish are broadcasting ridiculous poop from planet God-knows-where? Must be all that smog, it not only destroys lungs & causes respiratory ailment, but also make you turn into a liberal idiot. Or maybe it's just that we get away from all the commotion & rat race once in a while & slow down so that we've got more time to actually think about things.

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