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Looking for a Marlin 375 or Winchester Big Bore chambered in 375 Winchester (not h&h mag ). If you have one you want to part with or know of a store that has one (not gunbroker) on the used gun rack please let me know.


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Armslist Tucson has one. When you get on there just search big bore.

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Just out of curiosity, why 375 Winchester? 38-55 is really close especially with handloads or Buffalo Bore heavy ammo. Ammo is more available with factory loads from 1300 fps to 1950 fps for 255 gr bullets. Also Winchester is making the model 94 in 38-55 again.

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Have dies and brass for the 375 already. Didn't know they were making a 38-55 again but isn't the bore something like .377/.378 instead of .375 which I believe caused the Marlin version to not have the best accuracy with jacketed bullets? PRDATR sending a PM.


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Older 38-55s can vary from .375 to .380, any thing modern will be .377 . Barnes makes the original in .377 dia and several ammo produce ammo with .377 dia bullets. 

Mine is shooting the 255 gr Barnes original at 1900 fps.

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