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CnS... I agree some people won't vote for him because he is black... Is that Pledge thing a myth or is it fact??? I don't know if I have ever heard an offical statement...

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its a fact. i believe theres a pic of him standing there with his hands down on a different thread; and he refuses to wear an american flag pin on his lapel...says its trendy. doesnt matter who wins the popular vote anyways...its up to the electoral college. voting is a waste of time. :P

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I saw that picture but it was obviously photoshopped...

and I just looked on snopes about about the pledge.. Guess what that is false too.. I guess it goes to show how the right wing political machine works...







Ya know... I am not the smartest flunky on the farm, but reading that did not convince me that he does or does not do those things. That is the Worst Snopes info I have ever read! That sounded like a, "he said, she said"!!! :rolleyes: More than likely he didn't before and does now because he must.... that is all I got out of that Snopes page. The guy is a blank sheet of paper, because he really is NOT very American..... Born here and then what.... raised as a Foreigner!! He can practically re-invent himself today because he was off the radar most of his life..... sounds like buying a used car with out a Car-Fax report..... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: And I bet you that a vast majority of his supporters are not making an educated decision, but rather a WAG.... on what he will really do for and to this country. :unsure:



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It's a vast right wing conspiracy! :P


Here is something that cannot be denied.

Obama has sponsored a bill in congress, as we speak, that will levy a $800 billion (with a B) tax on our citizens and all of the money will go to foreign aid, administered by the United Nations. Here we are, on the verge of recession, and this idiot wants to take billions of our dollars and send them to Africa, Asia, etc.


This is on TOP OF the billions in aid we already dole out to everyone with their hands out.


This guy is the most dangerous candidate that has ever made it this far in the process and it has nothing to do with his color, race, religion, etc. He is more worried about the World's view of himself than the welfare of his own country.


Oh and by the way, he is on record as saying that he supports the outright banning of ALL semi-auto weapons. That includes your Remington 1100 and Browning Buckmark. There is no snopes needed on that issue, it's all there for everyone to see.


Check out his website sometime and read about all the wonderful programs he has planned with your money and it does not include paying down our debt, which is the real reason that gas is $3.40 / gallon. So, instead of tackling the huge dept W and congress has given us, he tries to buy votes with the promise of all kinds of free crap from the Gov't in the form of handouts, pork barrel spending, etc with no mention of how to pay for them. Know why? Because he won't mention the tremendous tax raise it will take to pay for all his knew crap, pay off the debt, and still manage to give away billions to "end poverty"


He thinks he can end poverty? What a joke.


Senator Barack Obama's sponsorship of Senate Bill 2433 aligns with the emerging core theme of his general election campaign. The change he promises will bring much-needed relief, not just to America's victims of economic injustice, but to victims worldwide.


On December 7, 2007, Obama introduced the Senate version of the Global Poverty Act of 2007 (S.2433). On February 13, the bill cleared the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, on which Obama and 6 (Biden, Dodd, Feingold, Hagel, Lugar, Menendez) of the bill's 9 co-sponsors serve. The House version of the bill (H.R.1302) passed by a unanimous voice vote last September 25.


Here's an abstract of the proposed legislation:


"To require the President to develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to further the United States foreign policy objective of promoting the reduction of global poverty, the elimination of extreme global poverty, and the achievement of the [u.N.] Millennium Development Goal of reducing by one-half the proportion of people worldwide, between 1990 and 2015, who live on less than $1 per day."



If enacted, how much of a financial commitment would that represent to taxpayers?


One estimate is 0.7% of gross national product, or an additional $845 billion over 13 years in addition to existing foreign aid expenditures. So far, this proposal is barely on the MSM radar, but we're likely hear more about it as a full Senate vote approaches.



Here's how Senator Obama's website frames the bill:


"With billions of people living on just dollars a day around the world, global poverty remains one of the greatest challenges and tragedies the international community faces," said Senator Obama. "It must be a priority of American foreign policy to commit to eliminating extreme poverty and ensuring every child has food, shelter, and clean drinking water. As we strive to rebuild America's standing in the world, this important bill will demonstrate our promise and commitment to those in the developing world. Our commitment to the global economy must extend beyond trade agreements that are more about increasing corporate profits than about helping workers and small farmers everywhere." (emphasis added)



In other words, other nations will like us better if we give them our money. And, our trade agreements should not be about business profit, but benevolent social action.


The Global Candidate's sponsorship of the Global Poverty Act thematically aligns with the oft-told story of his life as a child of international parents, as well as with his elliptical juxtaposition of hope and change. He not only offers hope to his U.S. audiences, but to poor children, workers, and small farmers across the globe. George W. Bush's grand theme of spreading democracy globally evolved after 9/11. Obama's grand theme is to spread America's wealth to the world's poor, as the onetime community organizer from the streets of South Chicago goes global.


The species of hope that Barack Obama preaches is a first cousin of disappointment. He speaks to his followers as though they are victims, and it resonates with them because victimhood is a latent element of their collective self-image. Most of the younger ones in his audiences face historically unprecedented educational and vocational opportunities. Within the reasonable grasp of their individual initiatives is a future that is the envy of most of the world's youth. Yet they look longingly for someone from the government to offer them hope.


He says, "It's not too late to claim the American dream," and they cheer wildly, and some even cry.


Don't they know that the American dream isn't a wish granted by a politician, or an entitlement from the government? Do they need a political seer to tell them what to hope for, and dream of, because they are unable to find it for themselves?


In his most recent victory speech, delivered in Madison, Wisconsin on February 13, Obama named some of those guilty of creating America's victims. They included:


* Exxon, turning record profits from high pump prices;

* Wall Street, whose agenda smothers Main Street;

* NAFTA, where the American worker has no voice at the negotiating table; and

* Lobbyists, who drown out the peoples' voice.



At the end of the list, he did what he will do for the next eight months if he is the Democrat nominee: he linked John McCain to Bush-Iraq and the past, while he, Obama, is the future. How do you debate a self-proclaimed personification of the future?


Those who feel like victims want the guilty exposed and loathed. In Texas, the Obama campaign is airing radio ads where their candidate claims that "some CEOs make more in 10 minutes than some American workers make in a year." The claim may be literally accurate, in that "some" need only be more than one. It does make an emotional appeal to fairness, but the math doesn't work. In 2005, the combined income of the CEOs of the 500 largest U.S. companies was $5.1 billion. Their average pay for 10 minutes work, based on a 40 hour work week, was $961.50. The minimum wage yields an annual salary of about $12,000. Sure, the gross disparity between CEO and average worker pay is a valid issue. And, for a relatively few CEOs and other mega-earners like Oprah Winfrey, top professional athletes, and major Hollywood movie stars, Obama's claim may be mathematically accurate. But as a blanket assertion, it's a level of derogatory rhetoric that only works when adulation kills critical thinking.


In the days ahead, the Global Candidate will cite multinational corporations as the leading exploiters of the world's poor, with Wall Street's favorites leading the pack. He'll call for America to spread its wealth abroad, rather than its weaponry. He'll summon us to dispatch across the globe the young workers of the Peace Corps, instead of the young warriors of the Marine Corps, as lions lay with lambs, and we beat our swords into plowshares.


All the while, the adoring crowds will grow larger, and more will cry.

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I saw that picture but it was obviously photoshopped...

and I just looked on snopes about about the pledge.. Guess what that is false too.. I guess it goes to show how the right wing political machine works...






Funny that you end your statement with "I guess it goes to show how the right wing political machine works", do I take it that the left wing doesn't have a political machine because I call BS on that. The left no matter how you look at it is the media darlings, once these primaries are over they will start blasting the republicans. Just about all politicians are liars, and the democrats are just as good at it as anyone. If a democrat is elected and the economy continues to go bad they will blame everything on their predecessor, if a republican is elected and the economy gets better it will be attributed to congress.


One other side note to Obama, isn't a muslim who converts to Christianity or any other religion now an ex-muslim and considered an outcast and is therefor executed in muslim countries, what will that do for diplomacy. From the stuff I read he was registered and raised as a muslim while very young, that don't make him one I guess, but tell that to the radicals in the middle east. Also Reverend Wright might not be muslim, but he sure seems radical and almost anti American to me, and was part of the campaign until some of his sermons and statements were made public, Obama conveniently didn't attend church during any of those sermons.


No matter how any of this goes I am voting for McCain because he is the candidate left that I like best, I knew I wouldn't vote for Hillary four years ago because I don't like her and don't trust her with my country, and four years ago I didn't know who Obama was, he is like American idol in politics he can karaoke best so he is the new star.

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The dems machine is like a pinto and the reps machinie is like a corvette... right or wrong it is what it is...


For Sportsman.. I think McCain will be the best of all evils... but I have some serious isses with him and his stance on gun control...



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The dems machine is like a pinto and the reps machinie is like a corvette... right or wrong it is what it is...


For Sportsman.. I think McCain will be the best of all evils... but I have some serious isses with him and his stance on gun control...




Agree, but I don't like any of the 3's stance on gun control

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The dems machine is like a pinto and the reps machinie is like a corvette... right or wrong it is what it is...


For Sportsman.. I think McCain will be the best of all evils... but I have some serious isses with him and his stance on gun control...




Agree, but I don't like any of the 3's stance on gun control


For me this is the first election were I think the VP selection is going to matter... Regardless of who wins all Sportsman will need to stick together and stand up for ourselves..



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The reason Obama has done so well is because he is an unknown - a blank slate. People look at him and see what they what to see, or a reflection of there own best virtues.

The more he opens his mouth and the more this country finds out about him, like his association with "Reverend Wrong", the more that idealistic image of him will dissapate. Hopefully this country can drop this infactuation and come to our senses before we elect what I think is a dangerous man as president.

His association with the Reverend looks to me to be an association with political power, beginning in Illinois and solidifying the black vote throughout the nation. It got him a strong start, but now it's biting him on the butt.

A Christian perspective: The apostle Paul wrote to the first century church and warned that they were already preaching a different gospel than the original message - Christ crucified!

Jesus didn't come to save the Jews from their political turmoil, or anybody else at any time in history. Jesus came to save all of humanity from eternal separation from God. To preach anything else is not the gospel of Jesus Christ. The "liberation gospel" of Reverend Wrong is not Christianity, it is political power, and politically motivated. And then to associate with Farrakan adds more evidence to this fact.

Weird and scary.

We are living in desperate times.


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The dems machine is like a pinto and the reps machinie is like a corvette... right or wrong it is what it is...


For Sportsman.. I think McCain will be the best of all evils... but I have some serious isses with him and his stance on gun control...





:blink: :blink: :blink:


Pinto?? :blink: You obviously don't watch CNN.... :rolleyes: Maybe a Pinto body with a Shelby built inside of it by Mr. Shelby, himself! :lol: :P


MaCain is the best of the the three.... I don't care for some of his views ( guns & immigration are just a few) and I am hoping he picks a strong running mate that has some business savvy. We need economic Strength and Confidence in the US right now. I also think that unless OPEC is gunna start financing our war, we need our troops at home to stop the econmic bleeding on our borders. (Or cause some bleeding on our borders.) :rolleyes: I just can't figure out how any of our current "choices" for President can really make our country a better place right now.... but I do know that MaCain will do far less harm than those other two Bumbling Idiots.... ;)



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the reason obama is doing well is because he's running against a shreekin' witch that the world is sick of. if there was any competition, he'da been out of it long ago. folks are sick of the clintons and he's the liberals only alternative. Lark.

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Good point, Lark.

Heck, if the Dems would give up the idea of electing a liberal/gimmic and put forth a moderate with experience and common sense, I might even consider voting for him this year.

I still say Obama looks good because he is a mystery. I hope we don't hafta get to know him.


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I had a democrat, who is a good friend of mine, tell me that the reason Hillary is not winning is because she is to far to the right and Obama is a moderate.



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