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email from G&F

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Did everyone receive a strange email from G&F asking us to support a climate change bill in Congress?


Not only that, the bill also inlcuded support for the Kyoto Protocol, which if you do not know, is the UN's way of crushing American business / economy.

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azgfd has been overtookened by huggers. if you don't mind, send me the email. i'd like to see it. sounds like mr. napalitano his thumbprint on this one. Lark.

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I think it is on my computer at home. I will look this evening.

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I received a notice from TRCP http://trcp.ga0.org/campaign/climate_security_act about the same thing. There is another group, Season's End, with support from several organizations Like Ducks Unlimited, Trout Unlimited, and even ESPN that support this as well. I believe the premise is that there are some major dollars to be managed by USFW to support wildlife and wildlife habitat during changing times.

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I received a notice from TRCP http://trcp.ga0.org/campaign/climate_security_act about the same thing. There is another group, Season's End, with support from several organizations Like Ducks Unlimited, Trout Unlimited, and even ESPN that support this as well. I believe the premise is that there are some major dollars to be managed by USFW to support wildlife and wildlife habitat during changing times.


So, promise a few dollars and we all turn our backs on the real reason for this act? Global taxation. Are we whores?

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State agencies and employees, including AGFD and its employees, used to be prohibited from lobbying. Has that rule/law changed?


Bill Quimby

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Arizona Game and Fish Department


This update from the Teaming with Wildlife Coalition is provided courtesy of the Arizona Game and Fish Department Commission.



Teaming with Wildlife is a coalition of more than 5,000 public, private and nonprofit organizations working to prevent wildlife from becoming endangered by supporting increased federal and state funding for wildlife conservation. For more information, visit teaming.com.



May 29, 2008


Sign-on letter for climate change bill


Your help is needed! Please sign-on and circulate the attached letter supporting wildlife funding in the climate change bill that is coming to the Senate floor next week.


Senator Boxer (D-CA), Chair of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, just last week released a new version of the Climate Security Act [originally drafted by Senators Lieberman (I-CT) and Warner (R-VA)]. This bill is coming to the Senate floor for a vote next week. We need to get the word out that the conservation community and Teaming with Wildlife is pleased with the inclusion of significant and critically needed funding for the wildlife action plans, and other efforts to prevent wildlife from becoming endangered. More information on the revised bill is below, and the sign-on letter is attached.


WHEN: The deadline is Friday, May 30, 2008, so that it can be delivered the following Monday before voting begins.

WHO: All Teaming with Wildlife groups.

WHAT: Sign-on Letter (see below).

HOW: Send organization’s name and a note saying “SIGN ME UP” to brockbankd@nwf.org.


More information:

The Climate Security Act recognizes the critical need for an investment in our natural resources to help wildlife and ecosystems survive global warming. Through its cap and trade mechanism, the Climate Security Act auctions off pollution permits to industries that emit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Five percent of the total value of these permits is given to natural resource agencies to protect wildlife from global warming. This funding for natural resource agencies will increase over time as the cap on carbon drives the price up. The money will be dedicated and not subject to the annual appropriations process.


What does this mean? The total amount of funding - while crucial - is unprecedented. Between 2012 and 2030, $137 billion ($7.2 billion per year) would be dedicated to wildlife and natural resources. Over 40 percent of this (or $2.99 billion per year) would go to state fish and wildlife agencies with the remainder going to the Land and Water Conservation Fund and federal natural resource agencies. The money to states would be distributed through the Wildlife Conservation and Restoration account of the Pittman-Robertson Fund for global warming adaptation measures, and would require only a 10 percent match from states.


Please join Teaming with Wildlife steering committee members, Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, National Wildlife Federation, The Wildlife Society, AZA, The Nature Conservancy, and National Audubon Society on the attached letter supporting these provisions in the Climate Security Act. To show your support, please email Derek Brockbank at brockbankd@nwf.org and let him know the name of your organization and that you wish to sign the letter.



May XX, 2008


Dear Senator:


On behalf of our organizations’ millions of members, we urge Congress to pass legislation that addresses the challenge of climate change by significantly reducing emissions of greenhouse gases and by providing the new investments necessary to protect America’s fish, wildlife, and other natural resources in the face of this unprecedented challenge. In particular, we commend the Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act (S. 3036) for including the Adaptation Programs for Natural Resources (Title VI, Subtitle D and Title XII, Subtitles C and D). These important subtitles recognize the need to incorporate climate science and policy direction into natural resources conservation planning and provide the investment in natural resources conservation necessary to address climate change’s unavoidable impacts.


Climate change poses the most significant threat to the natural world ever seen in the course of

human history. Scientists warn what natural resources managers, hunters, anglers, and other outdoor recreationists already know: global warming is causing serious damage and disruptions to wildlife and ecosystems. Furthermore, climate scientists predict that such harmful disturbances will accelerate and worsen. These impacts include: changes in seasonal events that disrupt fish and wildlife populations and ecological communities; melting of polar ice caps; acidification of the oceans; declining snowpack; increased drought; warming of rivers, streams, lakes and estuaries; increased threat from invasive species; habitat shifts northward and upward in elevation; and more frequent catastrophic fires.


Each of these impacts poses a serious threat to the natural resource base that supports both people and wildlife. The natural systems that provide us with drinking water, flood protection, food, medicine, timber, recreational opportunities, scenic beauty, jobs, and numerous other services are at great risk.


Addressing these challenges will require an unprecedented new investment in strategies and activities that enhance the resiliency and sustainability of fish, wildlife and their habitats to climate change. We commend S. 3036 for including the Adaptation Programs for Natural Resources which recognize the magnitude of this challenge and dedicate a portion of allowance auction proceeds in a balanced and accountable manner to fish, wildlife, and habitat conservation efforts that address global warming’s impacts.


The balanced approach adopted in these subtitles direct funding to federal, state, and tribal natural resources agencies for a variety of conservation efforts, under the guidance of science-based federal and state natural resources adaptation plans. This vital funding would be used for carrying out activities, including research, education, and planning, that assist fish and wildlife and their habitats in becoming more resilient and adapting to the impacts of climate change.


Adaptation activities would include providing the necessary resources for federal and state land and water managers to ensure the nation’s complex network of federal and state lands, including parks and refuges, preserves, and forests, and the nation’s water resources, such as estuaries, rivers, lakes and wetlands, are able to adapt to climate change’s impacts. These subtitles also place special emphasis on: the protection of important habitat and species migration corridors through the Land and Water Conservation Fund and Forest Legacy Program; programs that partner with landowners to restore and protect species on privately-owned lands; conservation of tribal lands; and coastal and estuarine habitat restoration efforts – all of which face increasing challenges due to global warming and inadequate federal, state, and tribal resources to meet those challenges. These subtitles recognize that federal, state and tribal natural resources agencies are on the front lines of conservation efforts to help fish, wildlife and ecosystems survive global warming and provide the resources those agencies desperately need to meet that challenge.


While recognizing that many of S. 3036’s provisions are still being debated, this legislation represents a needed step forward in addressing the underlying causes of climate change and a strong commitment to providing the policy direction and investment needed to conserve the natural resources that fish, wildlife, and people depend upon. Given what is at risk of being lost, this investment is urgently needed. We urge Congress to pass strong climate change legislation that protects and restores our natural resources legacy - the basis of a strong and healthy society - for our children and future generations.



Adirondack Council

Alaska Wilderness League

Alliance for the Great Lakes

Animal Protection of New Mexico

Animal Protection Voters

Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies

Association of Zoos and Aquariums

Audubon Florida

Audubon New York

Audubon Ohio

Black Bear Conservation Committee

Carbon Free Girl

Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana

Connecticut Forest and Park Association

Conservation Council for Hawaii

Defenders of Wildlife

Delaware Audubon

Delaware Greenways

Delaware Native Plant Society

Environmental League of Massachusetts

Everglades Foundation

Freshwater Future

Friends Committee on National Legislation

Friends of White Clay Creek State Park

Great Lakes Sport Fishing Council

Great Old Broads for Wilderness

Gulf Restoration Network

Illinois Council of Trout Unlimited

Illinois Division, Izaak Walton League of America

Indiana Wildlife Federation

Kansas Wildlife Federation

Kent County Conservancy (Delaware)

Lake Erie Region Conservancy

Lousiana Wildlife Federation

Missouri Smallmouth Alliance

National Audubon Society

National Parks Conservation Association

National Wildlife Federation

Natural Resources Council of Maine

New Mexico Trout

New Mexico Wilderness Alliance

Ohio Division, Izaak Walton League of America

Passaic River Coalition


Pennsylvania Interfaith Climate Change Campaign

Pew Environment Group

Potomac Conservancy

River Alliance of Wisconsin

River Valley Wildlife Federation, Arkansas

Rocky Mountain Recreation Initiative

Santa Fe Interfaith Alliance for Environmental Stewardship

Sheep Mountain Alliance

Tennessee Clean Water Network

Texas Conservation Alliance

The Nature Conservancy

The Nature Conservancy of West Virginia

The Wilderness Society

The Wildlife Society

The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation

Torne Valley Preservation Association

Trout Unlimited, Wisconsin State Council

Union of Concerned Scientists

Upper Chattahoochee Riverkeeper

Vermont Natural Resources Council

Virgin Islands Conservation Society

West Branch Conservation Association

West Virginia Council of Trout Unlimited

Western Lake Erie WATERKEEPER® Association

Western Nebraska Resources Council (WNRC)

WildEarth Guardians

Wildlands Project

Wildlife Center of Virginia

Wisconsin Wildlife Federation



The Senate letter is being led again by Senators Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) and John Warner (R-VA). The House is being led by Congressmen Mike Thompson (D-CA), Jim Saxton (R-NJ), Ron Kind (D-WI), and Robin Hayes (R-NC). Ron Kind is one of the current co-chairs of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus; several of the others are past chairs.





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Where did you get that copy, Mike? Was it an email to you directly? If so, what was the SENDER'S email address? -TONY


Yes it came directly to me.

It looks like It came from GF.

If you want to PM me your Email Address

I could forward it to you.

Might be some funny stuff going on.

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Email Address:




What's a bit strange to me is that I receive about every email sent out from G&F, but I didn't get this one. Even the formatting of it seems a bit strange, but I'll be checking it out.


Also note the "This update from the Teaming with Wildlife Coalition is provided courtesy of the Arizona Game and Fish Department Commission."


As Bill mentioned, the game DEPARTMENT is precluded from getting involved in political lobbying and such. That's why it could not do anything when the trapping referendum was on the ballot. -TONY

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I also did not receive the e-mail. What the so-called "Cap and Trade" provisions of this thing will do to our already troubled economy is awful! Our friends in the list of supporters are blind-sided by the prospects of a new funding source for wildlife.



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