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26 nosler

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I traded my xds 45 for a xds 9 simply because it took me longer to get a highly accurate follow up shot with the 45 then the 9.

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Statistically only 1 out of 10 shot with a handgun die anyway, regardless of caliber. Therefore handguns are only a tool used to fight your way to your rifle.


Wonder how that statistic changes with skilled users and center mass hits?

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Statistically only 1 out of 10 shot with a handgun die anyway, regardless of caliber. Therefore handguns are only a tool used to fight your way to your rifle.

Wonder how that statistic changes with skilled users and center mass hits?




Skilled or not skilled, Center Mass is Center Mass and there is no walking away.

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Skilled or not skilled, Center Mass is Center Mass and there is no walking away.


Figured a skilled pistolero would increase the percentage of center mass hits ;)

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I'd take the 26 Nosler for coues and the 34 Nosler for elk. Even with the same make of bullet, I feel the larger expanded frontal area of the larger diameter bullet is important for transmitting energy/shock. Put a can on each for recoil, blast and noise.

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