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About Havasuhunter

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    Advanced Member

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Lake Havasu City
  • Interests
    Hunting, fishing, archery, running, hiking, hockey, boating.

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  1. Havasuhunter

    Monday Check in

    Haven't posted in a while. thought id reply since this is the longest running thread Ive replied to and I'm sure many have made fitness new years resolutions. I happy to say my fitness is excellent now. Been doing crossfit for 5 years now pretty consistently and its changed my life. I'm 48 and can run under 8 minute miles for fairly easy, deadlifting 385, back squatting 305, etc, etc. Ive even recruited some new hunters and hunting friends from my gym.I even have a smoking hot girlfriend I met there as a bonus. lol Don;t want to get into a crossfit discussion other than just to say it works for me. Whatever it is, find something that works for you and stick with it. The most important thing is I now am a much more effective hunter and I enjoy everything much more now that Ive gotten my fitness level up. This last year I was lucky enough to draw an Antelope and and elk tag. I was able to fill both tags and especially on the elk hunt my fitness was a big part of that. Wishing everyone a happy, healthy and enjoyable new year. Stick with your fitness goals, its worth it for you and your family.
  2. Havasuhunter

    Scaled quail in southeast AZ for Havasu stripers, Bass, etc

    I’m back in Havasu now so my scaled quail chasing is over for the year. I’ll be focusing on stripers, duck, Gambels and maybe some rabbits out here the rest of the year.
  3. Havasuhunter

    Steel on Quail

    Modified mostly. Improved cylinder sometimes since steel generally patterns very tight do to the hardness and the fact they are fully encased in harder plastic wads.
  4. Havasuhunter

    Scaled quail in southeast AZ for Havasu stripers, Bass, etc

    Several people have told me it’s common behavior out here to hunt before the season starts. Really pisses me off for sure. I’m getting plenty of Gambels quail by getting into harder to access spots and walking a lot. I’ll try again on the weekend for scalies. I’ve also shot a few cottontails with the 22 PCP air rifle which is great. Head shots so zero meat waste. Used it on squirrels last gear. I’ll never use a shotgun or rimfire on small game like that again. Dead silent, dead accurate. I’ll shoot some quail with it someday too but I prefer the shotgun for those.
  5. Havasuhunter

    Scaled quail in southeast AZ for Havasu stripers, Bass, etc

    Covered many miles on foot and in the truck. Finally found a few scaled quail but they are very scarce. I missed twice on what should have been reasonably easy shots. I think I was mesmerized that I finally found some. Gambels are plentiful in most Gambels habitat within a few miles of water. It does seem there’s a few people around that don’t like to actually wait for quail season to open as I found signs of harvested birds prior to opening day in a few scouted locations. Disgusting behavior and that sure doesn’t help either species during lean times.
  6. Havasuhunter

    WAR in Kentucky!

    Dead on!
  7. Havasuhunter

    WAR in Kentucky!

    No. Most republicans are not non interventionists. They want perpetual war and US foreign involvement so the profit machine of the military industrial complex can keep paying out for them. It’s a major problem for the Republican Party.
  8. Havasuhunter

    WAR in Kentucky!

    You do realize the point of this post is the media is claiming that’s Syria and it’s a machine gun show in Kentucky right? The media does this sort of thing daily and the weak minds lap it up as truth and fact.
  9. Havasuhunter

    WAR in Kentucky!

    Exactly! Amazing he’s doing as well as he is weird nonstop negative propaganda from so called news agencies.
  10. Havasuhunter

    Scaled quail in southeast AZ for Havasu stripers, Bass, etc

    Thanks for the info. I’m a voice and data contractor. I work on networks throughout AZ and CA. if you ever get out to havasu, especially in winter, I can put you on stripers very easily. Louisiana sounds awesome right now. I’ve caught reds and specs in FL. Redfish fight a lot like a striper. Very strong fish.
  11. Havasuhunter

    To early to tell on quail?

    The roadrunners clean out the wash by my house a lot too. They are amazing efficient predators.
  12. Havasuhunter

    Steel on Quail

    I use Kent upland fast steel #6 when I’m CA or refuges and its great for quail. Works fine on Teal over small ponds too
  13. Havasuhunter


    Yes. I hunt on Havasu and the Havasu NWR at least once a week in winter. Been decent the last few years with limits on days with wind and weather.
  14. I’m currently working in Safford and would like to get on some scaled quail over the next few weeks once the season opens. Gambels are good too but would like to check scalies off my list. If anyone can help me out, preferably someone with dogs, I’d be willing to take you out on a half to full day fishing trip on Havasu in trade. I run a really beautiful Skeeter ZX2250 bay boat and have all top end tackle. We catch quality stripers and smallmouth much of the year or I can put you on the giant redear. We don’t do the anchovy thing either. I fish either live bait or 95% of the time we are fishing artificial. Topwater, big glide baits, saltwater stick baits, flies etc. 20 stripers per person on artificial is common when weather cooperates. Most are around the 3lb average with many double digit fish in fall and winter to spice things up.
  15. Havasuhunter

    Firearms for Sale

    That marlin is beautiful. Interested in any trades? I have a Ruger stainless 357 mag black hawk Id be interested in trading.