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About Hucker

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  1. Hucker

    Trump shot at rally today

    To understand the workings of American politics, you have to understand this fundamental law: Conservatives think liberals are stupid. Liberals think conservatives are evil. -Charles Krauthammer (2002-ish)
  2. Nevermind....see you are looking for trade.
  3. Hucker

    Anyone using a chest freezer/generator combo?

    A must! Run it enough to keep meat cold, but not frozen until we can get it hung and processed correctly. We keep our dry goods in it until we need the freezer. CL freezer and Honda suitcase genset.
  4. Hucker

    Presidential debate is tonight

    I was just telling the wifey that I was reading some stuff a couple of weeks ago that the Demachine was going to let Biden fall to get him to drop out after this debate. When I watched the CNN post-game show, I laughed when they pig-piled on the old man. It was immediate! The gaslighting we have been getting for the last few weeks has been crazy. "Joe is of sound mind and body. Never been better." [Not a direct quote of anyone.] Then we see this, exactly what we have been seeing for years, and now CNN wants to be the ones to say, "Oh, he shouldn't be the candidate. This is the first time we have seen a chink in his armor." On the same/similar topic...."Let's Go Brandon" is a vulgar, minced-oath, right-wing phrase meaning FJB, to those on the left. To me, it is a classic case of the left-wing gaslighting of America. Not a single person who heard (hears) that audio/video clip would ever come up with, "Listen to that...they are cheering Let's Go Brandon." EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON. heard (hears) "xxxx Joe Biden." Clear as day. But CNN/MSDNC/Most-Media-Markets said that people who heard FJB were nuts and needed reprogramming. Just haters being haters. I mean, I heard it. Didn't you? Have you talked to anyone, anywhere, who heard anything else? Brandon Brown, who was standing with the reporter, gave her a look like, "WTF are you hearing?! They ain't chearing Let's Go Brandon..." But most media markets ignored it or argued people only heard FJB because they are threats to democracy who hate JB. Are our brothers and sisters on the left side of the aisle this dumb, or just disingenuous? Is it just politics?! After tonight's sub-par performance, will JB withdraw for "health reasons" in the near future (<30 days)? The DNC could nominate someone more electable. Think Michelle Obama (don't laugh! you have noticed a recent uptick of Barack's appearances, right?!) or Gavin Newsom. They have no one else electable in the hopper...they will never run Willie's-ho-heels-up-cameltoe. 'Nite all!
  5. Hucker

    Need to find a home - black lab

    His other dog is the sister to Bentley, so he is torn. Thanks for the ideas. I passed them along to him!
  6. Hey all, I have a buddy who is trying to rehome a 10 year old, male, black lab. Bentley is great with humans (adults and kids), but is becoming more agressive with other dogs. My buddy feels he should be in a home where he is the only dog. Buddy can no longer keep him, and is looking to rehome him. House trained and good manners. Just not getting along with other dogs, which is why he needs to rehome. LMK if you are interested and I can put you guys in contact to see if you can work something out. Comes with dog bed pictured and other dog stuff (leash, collars, more?). Thank you.
  7. Hucker

    Jason's Jaguar

    Three, to be exact. I have a picture to prove it. LOL
  8. Hucker

    Jason's Jaguar

    Allegedly in proximity to "a cow pond near Bisbee."
  9. Hucker

    Browning HC LR - 7mm Magnum

    Bump this up. Get it now, and get it sited in for elk season. I will be in the Phoenix area almost every weekend from now until Veteran's Day weekend for baseball, so I can get the rifle up to the valley.
  10. Hucker

    Remington 700 LSS - .300 RUM

    Another year, another bump. Rifle still available. I will be in the Phoenix area almost every weekend from now until Veteran's Day weekend for baseball, so I can get the rifle up to the valley.
  11. Hucker

    Deer tags. (In mail?)

    Check and see if you are signed up for e-tags. I do not recall signing up for it (I like the paper tag in my pocket). But my kid received his tag in the mail the same day as my buddy. I did not receive mine. Called G&F and they advised I was signed up for e-tag. Like I said, I do not recall signing up for it (and would not have), but my account was setup for it. So I had to download the stupid App.
  12. Hucker

    How long until cards are hit??

    Hit for 2 tags.
  13. Hucker

    WTS Two Yamaha Kodiak Quads

    Luckily, he bought the 20 year extended warranty, so 2 years left. Battery is 18 years old. Lug nuts are size smallish. Bolt pattern on transmission is friction-fit. Right front tire is bald...the rest are 6/64ths. No 4x4...this unit is a 3x4. Please let OP know if you are still interested. Thx!
  14. Hucker

    Toyota Dealer Recommendation

    I know one thing....I would NEVER do business with Camelback Toyota, even if they tried to pay me to take a new vehicle. What a collective group of scumbags! And I mean that in the nicest way possible....because, I mean, I went in to buy a car and expected shenanigans from car salesmen. Their level of asshattery was epic. I had a deal for a Tacoma done over the phone. Salesguy (I feel bad for him...he was the pawn in this scenario) sent me some of the paperwork electronically. It was set. I specifically asked about dealer add-ons and other crap. I was told they don't do that to people and it was absent from the quote I received. Awesome! I bummed a ride from Sierra Vista to Phoenix to get my new truck. The salesguy took me to the off-loading yard because the truck had just arrived that morning. We looked it over, and he said he would have it put together quickly (remove the white sticky-plastic-paint-protection, etc). When we got back to the main building to do paperwork, the sales manager had to talk to me, because, you know, that's how it works. That is when he laid it on me. The agreed-to price was before dealer add-ons. And they did over $7k in add-ons: paint protection, door edge guards, window tint, and a market adjustment. I told them I just saw the truck with the white-film on it, so don't add that crap to my truck. He said it was already on it. I called b.s. General manager came over to talk...the whole game. "Let me see what I can do for you." Long story shortened, I walked away. They tried every trick in the book to get me back in there. Sad what they were doing to people (because you know there were people who did not know enough to walk away and got screwed). Luck for me, my ride was still in town to bum a ride back home! Two days later, I had a deal on a new truck with my local guys. No gimmicks, no asshattery. I just had to wait a month for delivery. I feel like I got a good deal on a new truck without the b.s. And with my savings, I turned Camelback's Walmart-brand tint into lifetime-warrantied ceramic tint, their paint protection (spray wax?) into a ceramic coating, and their door edge guards into a slight suspension upgrade (Bilstein 6112/5160 combo)...for about $4,500 less than buying from Camelback. Sierra Toyota got my business.
  15. Hucker

    Card Hits!

    Checked my card today and got hit for 3 tags. I checked yesterday, and had no pending charges. Checked today, and it showed a charge for $405 on 3/8/2023. So my son, buddy, and I are hunting the late bull hunt in 5b! USAA….pffft.