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Tile shower

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Got a question on transition from drywall to cement board. My drywall is about a quarter inch higher then my concrete board. I learned a trick on u tube on how to float to get level, but it didn't mention taping. Would I tape this prior to building up my thin set, or tape after I'm even? I have about the same difference with my pan. 




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Make sure the drywall edge is screwed tight and not free hanging otherwise if you go over that joint with the tile it will likely crack.  You can shim it as mentioned or just float it out with some mud, and don't forget you will have a bed of mud to lay the tile on which will also give you some wiggle room.  

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Thanks, I'm going to shim then float. It will be faster and cleaner then trying to pile another 1/4" of thinset on the wall.

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