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What does everyone think about people on YouTube going thru each unit posting draw odds success rates and starting points where to hunt in each unit? Is this why it’s getting harder to get drawn and why there is barely any left over tags now ?? Just wondering peoples thoughts on this is all, let’s hear what  everyone has to say 

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9 minutes ago, EarlyBronco said:

What does everyone think about people on YouTube going thru each unit posting draw odds success rates and starting points where to hunt in each unit? Is this why it’s getting harder to get drawn and why there is barely any left over tags now ?? Just wondering peoples thoughts on this is all, let’s hear what  everyone has to say 

That about sums it up.

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It isn't great and yes that's why leftovers don't exist anymore.  Silver lining though... Archery quotas help in the big picture I think and as far as them sharing places to hunt can't imagine that there is any more info shared then what's on the game and fish pages.  In the end local knowledge and places like this where folks are willing to trade info will reign supreme.  But giving it away I won't do anymore.

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The you tube people still need to have a real life experience and learn to hunt Az. The internet definitely doesn't help our draw odds.


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Social media ruined az hunting for past 10 years.  Guides r worst to blame

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Just quick Google searches so take the data at face value of Google. 2010 to 2023 roughly 1.4 million people increase in the Arizona population. The national average percentage of hunters in 2020 was 4.6% of the population of 16 year olds or older. thats about 46,000 new resident hunters just off that. again those are quick Google search bar numbers so not saying fact but probably a good rough estimate.

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